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All abstracts by Shuguang Song in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Tracing DUPAL Anomaly Evolution in the Tethyan-Indian Oceanic Mantle
Wang C, Song S, Zhao G, Allen M, Su L, Ackerman L, Sláma J, Zhang D & Strnad L

(2023) Constraining the Redox States of Archean TTG Magmas by Sulfur-in-Apatite
Wang J, Tang M, Wang XL, Song S & Wu B

(2023) Catastrophic Craton Destruction via Wholesale Lithosphere Delamination
Chen H, Tang M & Song S

(2018) Origin of the Archean Potassic Granitoids: Mg Isotopes Evidences
Li R, Ke S, Li S, Song S & Wang C

(2013) Late Triassic Adakitic Rocks Formed by Partial Melting of Ancient Mafic Lower Crust in the North China Craton
Wang C & Song S

(2013) Tectonic Setting of the Xigaze Ophiolite Complex in Tibet Based on the Characteristics of Boninite
Su L, Bao P, Song S & Niu Y

(2013) Natural Type-C Olivine Fabrics in Garnet Peridotites in North Qaidam UHP Collision Belt, NW China
Jung H, Lee J, Ko B, Jung S, Park M, Cao Y & Song S

(2010) Zr-in-Rutile Thermometry in HP/UHP Eclogites from Western China
Zhang G, Ellis D, Christy A, Zhang L & Song S

(2009) Generation of Adakite: Melting of Eclogite during Exhumation of UHPM Terrane
Song S, Su L & Niu Y

(2009) Silicate Melt Inclusions in Olivine from the Yushigou Harzburgite, North Qilian: Evidence for Dynamic Partial Melting in Mantle
Su L, Song S & Shu G

(2008) Petrogenisis of a Plume-Related Layered Cumulate Complex in the Northwest Yangzi Craton: Petrological and Geochemical Constraints
Su L, Song S & Li X

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