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All abstracts by Fred Smith in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Antimony Isotope Ratio Measurements Using a Desolvating Nebulizer System with Multicollector ICP-MS Detection: A Study with an Atlantic Ocean Mn Nodule
Smith F & Jerram M

(2019) Isotope Ratio Measurements for Sample Dating Studies Using Multicollector ICP-MS and Signal Enhancement via a Desolvating Nebulizer Accessory with Nitrogen Gas Addition
Smith F & Polyak V

(2018) Using Multicollector ICP-MS with a Desolvating Nebulizer Accessory for Stable and Radiogenic Isotope Ratio Measurements of Speleothem and Marine Coral Samples
Smith F & Polyak V

(2017) Multicollector ICP-MS with a Desolvating Nebulizer System for Isotope Ratio Measurements
Smith F & Williams N

(2016) Multicollector ICP-MS with a Desolvating Nebulizer System for U-Series Dating of Late Pleistocene Terrestrial Snails
Smith F & Polyak V

(2014) An Inert Desolvating Nebulizer System for Reduction of Matrix-Induced Oxide Interferences on Rare Earth Elements, Iridium, and Platinum Using Quadrupole Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry
Smith F

(2013) An Inert Desolvating Nebulizer System and Rapid Washout Accessory for Tungsten Isotope Measurements with Multicollector ICP-MS
Smith F, Holst J, Paton C & Bizarro M

(2012) Enhanced Multicollector ICP-MS Coupled with a Desolvating Nebulizer System for Geochronology
Smith F & Polyak V

(2010) A Desolvating Nebulizer System for U-Series Dating with Multicollector ICP-MS
Horton M & Smith F

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