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All abstracts by Lee Slater in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2013) Coupling Magnetic and Molecular Techniques to Study Microbial-Mediated Iron and Carbon Cycling
Atekwana E, Rossbach S, Beaver C, Mewafy F & Slater L

(2010) Multi-Scale Measurement and Monitoring of CH4 Dynamics in Peatlands Using Geophysical Methods
Slater L, Comas X, Parsekian A, Nolan J, Reeve A & Glaser P

(2010) Low-Frequency Dielectric Spectroscopy Measurements on Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria Cell Suspensions
Zhang C, Prodan C, Slater L, Bendiganavale A, Ntarlagiannis D & Hubbard S

(2010) Biogeophysics: Advancing Biogeosciences Research Through New Frontiers in Geophysics
Atekwana E & Slater L

(2010) Investigating the Effect of Electro-Active Ion Concentration on Induced Polarization Signatures Arising from Biomineral Formation
Ntarlagiannis D, Williams K, Slater L, Hubbard S & Wu Y

(2001) Melt Generation and Movement beneath Theistareykir, N.E. Iceland
McKenzie D, Slater L, Gronvold K & Shimizu NN

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