All abstracts by Michael J. Singleton in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2014) Quantifying Groundwater Discharge to Subalpine Streams Using RadonMoran J, DeRubeis E, Visser A, Singleton M, Uriostegui S & Esser B
(2012) Groundwater Vulnerability to Climate Change in High Elevation Catchments of the Sierra Nevada
Moran J, Singleton M, Hillegonds D, Shaw G, Conklin M, Esser B & Visser A
(2008) Arsenic Mobilization Associated with Applied Recharge of low-TDS Water in Central Valley, California
Esser BK, McNab WW, Moran JE & Singleton MJ
(2008) Dissolved Gas and Isotopic Tracers of Denitrification
Singleton M, Moran JE, Esser B, McNab W, Carle S & Cey B