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All abstracts by Laura Simonelli in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2021) Selenite Interactions with Iron Sulfides
Wang K, Ma B, Fernandez-Martinez A, Simonelli L, Made B, Henocq P & Charlet L

(2019) Selenium and Mercury Species Interactions in Wheat Plants
Subirana MA, Boada R, Simonelli L, Marini C, Jew A, Webb S, Brown GE, Llugany M & Valiente M

(2012) Iron L- and M- Edges of Iron Containing Minerals Measured by X-Ray Raman Scattering
Nyrow A, Sternemann C, Wilke M, Mende K, Sahle C, Simonelli L, Gordon R, Hiraoka N, Wieland F, Tolan M & Tse J

(2012) Low Energy Absorption Edges of NS3 Glass, Albite and Silicon Investigated Using X-Ray Raman Scattering
Mende K, Nyrow A, Sternemann C, Schmidt C, Wilke M, Simonelli L, Moretti Sala M, Sahle C, Brenner T, Tse J & Tolan M

(2011) Studying Soft X-Ray Absorption Edges Under Extreme Conditions
Sahle C, Sternemann C, Nyrow A, Mende K, Wilke M, Schmidt C, Dubrail J, Tolan M, Simonelli L & Tse J

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