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All abstracts by Daniel M. Sigman in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Foraminifera-Bound Nitrogen Isotopes during the Last 160 ka in the Mediterranean Sea
Wald T, Ai XE, Fripiat F, Montagna P, Pons-Branchu E, Schiebel R, Haug GH, Sigman DM & Martinez-Garcia A

(2023) The Response of N2 Fixation to Deglacial Changes in Shelf Nitrogen Loss along the Western Pacific Margin
Ren HA, Yang E, Chang Y-P, Chen M-T & Sigman DM

(2023) Meridional Migration of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current over the Last Glacial Cycle
Ai XE, Thöle LM, Auderset A, Schmitt M, Moretti S, Studer AS, Michel E, Wegmann M, Mazaud A, Bijl PK, Sigman DM, Martinez-Garcia A & Jaccard SL

(2023) Speciation of Particulate Zn in the Southern Ocean: Implications for Zn-Cycling
Myneni S, Duan J, Cloete R, Sigman DM, Lam PJ, Lanzirotti A, Newville M, Martinez-Garcia A & Roychoudhury A

(2023) North Atlantic N2 Fixation during the Pliocene-Pleistocene Transition
Yehudai M, Farmer JR, Straub M, Schiebel R, Auderset A, Lawrence K, Sigman DM, Studer AS, Ogretmen N, Haug GH & Martinez-Garcia A

(2022) Rise in the 15N-To-14N Ratio of Otolith-Bound Organic Matter Associated with Late Cretaceous Cooling
Rao ZC, Lueders-Dumont JA, Stringer GL, Martinez-Garcia A, Haug GH & Sigman DM

(2022) Photosymbiosis on a Mid-Devonian Reef: Evidence from Coral-Bound Nitrogen Isotopes
Jung J, Zoppe SF, Söte T, Duprey N, Foreman A, Sigman DM, Haug GH, Vonhof H & Martinez-Garcia A

(2022) Mechanistic Insights on Cellular Nitrogen Isotope Fractionation by N2-reducing Mo-Nitrogenase
Han E, Maloney A, Ai X(, Sigman DM, Kopf S & Zhang X

(2022) Contracted Oxygen-Deficient Zones during Cenozoic Climate Optima
Auderset A, Moretti S, Taphorn B, Ebner P-R, Kast ER, Wang XT, Schiebel R, Sigman DM, Haug GH & Martinez-Garcia A

(2022) Cenozoic Evolution and Extinction of Megatooth Sharks from Stable Isotope Ratios in Bioapatite
Griffiths ML, Flores R, Kast ER, Kim SL, McCormack J, Akhtar AA, Shimada K, Becker M, Maisch Iv H, Rao ZC, Higgins JA, Neumann A, Clarke C, Tripati AE, Chan R, Karnes M, Sigman DM & Eagle RA

(2020) A Seasonally Resolved Coral Nitrogen Isotope Record from the Florida Keys: Implications for the Impact of Anthropogenic Nitrogen on the Gulf of Mexico
Wang Y, Wang XT, Flannery JA, Toth LT, Richey JN, Chen Y-C, Rao ZC, Ren HA & Sigman DM

(2020) Foraminifera-Bound Nitrogen Isotopes: From Mechanistic Understanding to a Case Study in the Equatorial Pacific
Ren H, Chen Y-C, Fang W-N, Studer A, Yu J, Martinez-Garcia A, Haug G, Spero H & Sigman D

(2018) Nitrogen Isotopic Evidence for Pliocene Closure of the Central American Seaway
Farmer J, Martinez-Garcia A, Schiebel R, Sigman D & Haug G

(2018) Interplay of Physical and Biological Processes in the Southern Ocean and Deglacial CO2 Variations
Li T, Robinson L, Chen T, Wang X, Burke A, Pegrum-Haram A, Rae J, Samperiz A, Spooner P, Rowland G, Ng H, Prokopenko M, Southon J, Knowles T, Li G & Sigman D

(2018) Effect of Iron Limitation on the Isotopic Composition of Cellular and Released Fixed Nitrogen in Azotobacter vinelandii
McRose D, Lee A, Kopf S, Baars O, Kraepiel A, Sigman D, Morel F & Zhang X

(2018) Ecological and Biochemical Controls on Nitrogen Isotopic Fractionation of Otolith-Bound Organic Matter: Insights from Paired Tissue-Otolith Comparisons, Amino Acid Concentrations, and an Otolith Model
Lueders-Dumont J, Wang XT, Sigman D & Ward B

(2018) An Environmental Evaluation of Species-Specific Offsets in Coral Tissue & Skeletal-Bound δ15N with Consideration for Proxy Use
Luu VH, Darling WS, de Putron SJ, Cohen AL & Sigman DM

(2018) Nitrogen Isotopic Composition of Tooth Enamel Bound Organic Matter as an Environmental Proxy
Kast E, Rinaldi N, Hoppe K, Wang X, Haug G & Sigman D

(2017) Redox State of the Marine Nitrogen Cycle and Evolution of Eukaryotes during Late Neoproterozoic
Prokopenko M, Gaines R, Corcetti F, Loyd S, Zielinski D, Cordova A, Sigman D & Berelson W

(2017) The Upper Ocean Nitrogen Cycle in the Atlantic Southern Ocean
Fawcett S, Smart S, Mdutyana M, Forrer H, Philibert R, Thomalla S, Kemeny P, Ward B & Sigman D

(2017) Insights into the Effect of Growth Rate and Temperature on Nitrogen Isotope Fractionation during Denitrification
Kopf S & Sigman D

(2017) Intensification of Antarctic Ocean Stratification at the End of the Mid-Pleistocene Transition
Hasenfratz AP, Jaccard SL, Martinez-Garcia A, Hodell DA, Vance D, Bernasconi S, Kleiven H(F, Sigman DM & Haug GH

(2017) The Polar Oceans and Atmospheric CO2
Haug G, Martinez-Garcia A, Studer A, Ren A, Hain M, Jaccard S, Tiedemann R & Sigman D

(2017) Subantarctic Pacific Iron Fertilization during the Last Ice Age
Martinez-Garcia A, Sigman D, Lamy F, Studer A, Tiedemann R & Haug G

(2015) Secular Decline of Seawater Calcium Increases Seawater Buffering and pH
Hain MP, Sigman DM, Higgins JA & Haug GH

(2014) Glacial-To-Interglacial Changes in Nitrate Supply and Consumption in the Subarctic North Pacific from Microfossil-Bound N Isotopes at Two Trophic Levels
Ren H, Studer A, Sigman D, Serno S, Anderson R, Winckler G, Oleynik S, Gersonde R & Haug G

(2013) Groundtruthing the Nitrogen Isotopic Composition of Planktonic Foraminifera as a Paleobiogeochemical Proxy
Ren H, Sigman D, Ellis K, Weigand M, Anderson R, Ravelo C, Altabet M, Fawcett S & Rafter P

(2013) Wintertime Nitrate Isotope Dynamics in the Atlantic Sector of the Southern Ocean
Smart S, Sigman D, Fawcett S, Thomalla S, Weigand A & Reason C

(2013) Revealing Pacific Ocean Organic Matter Remineralization and Circulation Using the Dual Isotopic Composition of Nitrate
Rafter P & Sigman D

(2013) Quantifying Nitrogen Fixation in the North Atlantic Using Paired Analyses of Cd and N Stable Isotopes
John S, Conway T, Casciotti K, Sigman D, Rafter P & Marconi D

(2013) Complete Simulation of Deglacial Changes in Atmospheric 14C/C: Implications for Ocean Circulation Changes and CO2 Release
Hain M, Sigman D & Haug G

(2013) Two Modes of Change in Southern Ocean Export Production over the Past Million Years
Jaccard S, Hain M, Hayes C, Martinez-Garcia A, Anderson R, Sigman D & Haug G

(2013) Carbon Isotope Gradients in the Eocene as a Constraint on the Biological Pump, Atmospheric CO2 and the Ocean’s Major Ion Composition
Hain M, Sigman D, Higgins J & Haug G

(2013) Nitrogen Isotopes of Coral Skeleton-Bound Organic Matter: Proxy Evaluation at Bermuda
Wang X, Cohen A & Sigman D

(2013) Isotope Fractionation by Alternative Nitrogenases and Oceanic Anoxic Events
Zhang X, Sigman D & Kraepiel A

(2012) Enhanced Nutrient Consumption in the Glacial Antarctic
Studer AS, Martinez-Garcia A, Straub M, Sigman DM, Gersonde R & Haug GH

(2012) Deep Ocean Mixing, the Bipolar Seesaw, and Polar Ocean Biogeochemical Change
Sigman D, Studer A, Tremblay M, Straub M, Hain M & Haug G

(2012) Pliocene Warmth: Ocean Gateways and Polar Oceans
Haug GH, Sigman DM & Tiedemann R

(2012) North Atlantic's Hold on the Earth's Asymmetric Climate
Haug GH, Deplazes G, Hamann Y, Luckge A, Peterson LC & Sigman DM

(2012) Nitrate (delta15N) Isotopic Distribution in Antarctic Sea Ice
Fripiat F, Sigman DM & Tison J-L

(2012) Studies of Surface Ocean Nitrate Utilization in the Subarctic North Pacific Using Multiple Nitrogen Isotope Recorders in the Surface Sediment
Ren H, Anderson RF, Studer AS, Serno S, Sigman DM, Winckler G, Gersonde R & Haug GH

(2011) A Deglacial 14C Budget
Hain MP, Sigman DM & Haug GH

(2009) The Nitrogen and Oxygen Isotope Composition of Nitrate in the Environment: The Systematics of Biological Nitrate Reduction
Granger J, Karsh K, Guo W, Sigman D & Kritee K

(2009) Polar Twins: The Antarctic and North Pacific during Ice Ages
Sigman DM, Brunelle BG, Jaccard SL & Haug GH

(2008) Evolution of Deglacial North Pacific Abyssal Circulation Based on Δ14C, δ13C<sub>benthic</sub> And 231Pa/230Th
Jaccard S, Galbraith E, Francois R, Brunelle B, Sigman D & Haug G

(2003) The Effect of Benthic Nitrogen Cycling on the δ15N and δ18O of Water-Column Nitrate
Lehmann M, Sigman D & Berelson W

(2000) The Nutrient Status of the Southern Ocean during the Last Ice Age and its Links to the Global Ocean
Sigman D, Francois R, Altabet M & Lehman S

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