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All abstracts by Yanhua Shuai in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Insights into Ethane Creation, Evolution, and Destruction from Clumped Isotopologues
Anadu JS, Thiagarajan N, Kitchen N, Shuai Y, Warr O, Sherwood Lollar B & Eiler J

(2022) Tracking Origin and Evolution of Natural Methane with Clumped Isotopologues
Xie H, Dong G, Formolo M, Lawson M, Shuai Y & Eiler J

(2011) Active Methanogenesis in the Subsurface during Development Process
Shuai Y, Zhang S, Mi J & Liu M

(2010) Secondary Biogenic Gas Formation and Accumulation: A Case Study from Baise Basin, Southern China
Shuai Y

(2010) Ubiquitous and Expanding Biosphere in Deep Sediments: Inferred from a Microbial Profile of Quaternary Terrigenous Deep Deposit, Qaidam Basin, China
Zhang S & Shuai Y

(2009) How to Feed the Deep Biosphere in a Continental Sedimentation Basin
Shuai Y, Zhang S, Su A, Huang L & Wang X

(2007) Controlling Mechanism of Thermochemical Sulfate Reduction
Zhang S, Shuai Y & Zhu G

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