All abstracts by Qiao Shu in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2013) Simultaneous Mantle Metasomatism, Diamond Growth and Crustal Events in the Archean and Proterozoic of South AfricaShu Q, Brey G, Gerdes A & Hoefer H
(2013) Storage of Hadean Oceanic Crust in the Kaapvaal Subcratonic Mantle
Brey GP, Shu Q, Gerdes A & Hoefer HE
(2011) Ultra-Depleted Eclogites: Residues of TTG Melting
Shu Q & Brey G
(2010) History of Lithospheric Mantle beneath Western Kaapvaal Craton: Signatures from Subcalcic Garnets
Shu Q, Brey G & Aulbach S
(2010) Final Depletion of the Kaapvaal Cratonic Root: Lu-Hf Versus Re-Os Dating of Garnet Peridotites from the Finsch Mine (South Africa)
Brey GP, Becker H, Lazarov M & Shu Q