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All abstracts by Zang-Ho Shon in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2023) Impacts of the Emission Sources of Volatile Organic Compounds on Air Quality and Human Health in South Korea
Song SK, Shon Z-H & Cho S-B

(2019) Source Apportionment of VOCs and their Impact on Air Quality and Health in the Megacity of Seoul
Song S-K, Shon Z-H, Kang Y-H, Kim K-H, Kang M, Bang J-H & Oh I

(2017) Impact of Coastal Wetlands in West Sea on Meteorology and Air Qulaity in the Seoul Metropolitan Area, Korea
Jeong J-H, An HY, Kang Y-H, Kim Y-K & Shon Z-H

(2017) Modeling the Impact of Mobile Source Emissions on Urban Air Quality in Seoul
Kang Y-H, Jeong J-H, An HY, Kim Y-K & Shon Z-H

(2009) Influence of Ship Emissions on Ozone and PM Concentrations Around Coastal Areas during Springs and Summers of 2005-2006
Shon Z-H, Song S-K, Kim Y-K, Oh I-B & Yoo S-Y

(2009) Effect of Ventilation on the Concentrations of Gaseous Sulfur and Sulfate Aerosol in an Urban Valley
Song S-K, Kim Y-K, Shon Z-H & Kang J-E

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