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All abstracts by John Senko in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Dynamic Hydrology Shapes Microbially Mediated Redox Processes in a Great Lakes Coastal Estuary
Kinsman-Costello LE, Eberhard E, Monty-Bromer C, Senko J, Morin T, Chinthala SP, Adesanmi B, Onyango Y, Heard T, Hassett E, Pope T, Bohrer G & Herndon E

(2020) Subsurface Microbial Iron-Reduction Processes in the Formation of Iron Ore Caves
Barton H, Parker C, Kawaichi S, Mulford M, Senko J, Auler A & Sasowsky I

(2016) Tracking the Distributions Microbial Communities and Activities Associated with Acidic Coal Mine Drainage in Appalachia, USA
Senko J, Sharma S, Pritchard C & Cutright T

(2014) Depth-Dependent Geochemical and Microbiological Gradients in Acid Mine Drainage-Derived Fe(III) Deposits
Burwick J, Brantner J, Haake Z, Menge C, Hotchkiss S & Senko J

(2014) Combined Stable Strontium and Sulfur Mass Dependent Isotopic Measurements in Barite to Identify Origin
Griffith E, Paytan A, Schauble E, Scher H, Widanagamage I & Senko J

(2012) Mass Dependent Stable Isotopic Fractionation (S88/86Sr) during the Precipitation of Barite, Zodletone Spring, Oklahoma
Widanagamage I, Scher H, Senko J & Griffith E

(2010) Formation and Transformation of Fe- and S Phases by an Acid-Tolerant Sulfate Reducing Desulfosporosinus Species
Senko J & Bertel D

(2008) Interactions of Nitrate, Iron, Uranium and Technetium during Bioremediation
Li X, Spain A, Senko J, Istok J & Krumholz L

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