All abstracts by Jeffrey S. Seewald in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Organic Compounds as Messengers of Subsurface HabitabilityRobinson K, Seewald JS, Shock EL & Hartnett HE
(2015) Boron and Lithium Isotope Compositions of Acid-Sulfate Fluids from the Eastern Manus Basin, Papua New Guinea
Wilckens FK, Kasemann SA, Bach W, Reeves EP, Meixner A & Seewald JS
(2015) Dolomite Formation in Abyssal Peridotite
Grozeva N, Klein F, Seewald J & Sylva S
(2014) Clumped Isotopic (13CH3D) Composition of Methane from the Potato Hills Gas Field, Oklahoma
Wang DT, Gruen DS, Seewald JS, Whelan JK, Sherwood Lollar B & Ono S
(2011) Phase Separation, Degassing and Anomalous Methane at the Menez Gwen Hydrothermal Field
Reeves E, Prieto X, Hentscher M, Rosner M, Seewald J, Hinrichs K-U & Bach W
(2010) Advanced Argillic Alteration at the Desmos Caldera, Manus Basin
Bach W, Niedermeier D, Schwander D & Seewald J
(2010) Stable Isotope Studies of Manus Basin Hydrothermal Vent Fluids and Deposits
Shanks WCP, Ono S, Seewald J, Reeves E, Tivey M & Craddock P
(2010) Fluid-Mineral Equilibria in Subseafloor Reaction Zones beneath Eastern Manus Basin Vent Fields
Seewald J, Bach W & Reeves E
(2009) Methanethiol: A Geochemical Link between Carbon and Sulfur in Hydrothermal Systems?
Reeves E & Seewald J
(2009) Chemical Equilibria Involving Aqueous Carbon Compounds in Submarine Hydrothermal Systems
Seewald J & Reeves E
(2008) The Abiotic Production of Hydrocarbons at the Lost City Hydrothermal Field
Proskurowski G, Lilley M, Seewald J, Früh-Green G, Olson E, Lupton J, Sylva S & Kelley DS
(2007) Rapid Hydrogen Isotopic Exchange between Aqueous Hydrocarbons and Water Under Hydrothermal Conditions
Reeves E, Seewald J & Sylva S
(2007) Hydrothermal Systems in the Eastern Manus Basin: Effects of Phase Separation and Fluid Mixing
Bach W, Seewald J, Tivey M, Tivey M & Yoerger D
(2006) Isotopic Signatures of Abiotic Organic Synthesis Under Geologic Conditions
McCollom T, Seewald J, Sherwood Lollar B & Lacrampe-Couloume G
(2005) Experimental Investigation of Organic Acid Carboxyl Carbon Exchange with Aqueous CO<->2<$>
Seewald J & Boekelheide N
(2004) Bacterial Incorporation of Relict Carbon in the Hydrothermal Environment of Guaymas Basin
Pearson A, Seewald J & Eglinton T
(2004) Experimental Study of Abiotic Formation of Organic Compounds in Hydrothermal Systems
McCollom T & Seewald J
(2002) Petroleum Decomposition Under Redox-Controlled Aqueous Conditions
Seewald J & Seewald J
(2002) Petroleum Decomposition Under Redox-Controlled Aqueous Conditions
Seewald J & Seewald J
(2001) Equilibrium Control of the Abundance and Distribution of Organic Species in Hydrothermal Vent Fluids from the Northern Juan De Fuca Ridge
Cruse AM & Seewald JS
(2001) Experimental Investigation of Aqueous Carbon Monoxide Reactivity Under Hydrothermal Conditions
Zolotov MY, Seewald JS & McCollom TM