All abstracts by Hans-Ulrich Schmincke in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2016) Periodic Open-System Peralkaline Active Nemrut Volcano vs. Episodic Neighoring Subalkaline Süphan Volcano: Holocene Tephra Swarm Triggered by Seismic Unrest and Hydroclastic ForcingSumita M & Schmincke H-U
(2012) Comparing Felsic and Mafic Volcanics along Central America with Implications for Interaction with Continental Crust
Kutterolf S, Heydolph K, Freundt A, Hoernle K, Hauff F, Perez W, Wehrmann H, Garbe-Schonberg D & Schmincke H-U
(2009) Stratospheric Input of Heavy Halogens (Br, I) from Large Explosive Volcanic Eruptions: Information from Melt Inclusions
Hansteen TH, Kutterolf S, Freundt A, Frische M, Wehrmann H & Schmincke H-U
(2000) Experimental Determination of Low-Temperature Dissolution Kinetics of Silicate Glasses
Utzmann A, Van Cappellen P, Schmincke H & Garbe-Schönberg D