All abstracts by Franziska Schäffner in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2015) Time-Resolved in situ Detection of Newly Formed Secondary Mn and Fe Oxides Using a SQUID Gradiometer TechniqueSchäffner F, De Giudici G, Linzen S, Merten D & Büchel G
(2011) Formation of Secondary Minerals – A Lysimeter Approach
Schäffner F, Merten D, De Giudici G, Ricci PC & Büchel G
(2011) Biogenic Mn Oxide Formation at pH 5.5 and 7 by New Mn-Oxidizing Bacteria from a Former U Mining Site
Akob D, Beyer A, Schäffner F, Händel M, Merten D, Büchel G, Totsche KU & Küsel K