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All abstracts by Robert Sanford in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) A Simplified Nernst Equation for Predicting Redox Potentials in Groundwater
Jin Q, Bowman GH, Harris G, Kirk MF & Sanford R

(2024) Antimony Isotope Fractionation during Microbial Reduction of Antimonate by Desulfuribacillus Stibiiarsenatis MLFW-2
Veldhuizen H, Johnson T & Sanford R

(2019) Biotic and Abiotic Controls on Iron Reduction and Biomineralization over Broad Geochemical Conditions
Dong Y, Sanford R, Boyanov M, Flynn T, O’loughlin E, Kemner K & Fouke B

(2016) A Reactive Transport Model Including Low Soil Moisture Limitations on Soil Carbon Respiration
Liu Y, Druhan J, Sanford R, Lawrence C, Winnick M & Maher K

(2015) Diversity and Evolution of Nitric Oxide Reduction
Pace L, Hemp J, Murali R, Ward L, Sanford R, Gennis R & Fischer W

(2012) Microbially-Mediated Isotopic Fractionation of Selenium: Relevance for Biogeochemical Processes in the Geological Record
Schilling K, Johnson T, Sanford R & Mason P

(2012) Microbial Uranium Reduction Monitoring: Linking Isotopic Fractionation Factors with Microbial Metabolism
Basu A, Johnson T, Sanford R & Lundstrom C

(2012) Resilience of Bacterial Communities in a Pristine Aquifer Despite Changes in the Availability of Sulfate
Flynn T, Sanford R, Santo Domingo J, Ashbolt N, Levine A & Bethke C

(2010) Monitoring Dissolved Gases and Ions in Groundwater Using an in situ Sampling Technique
Kyrias M, Strattan D, Sanford R & Bethke C

(2010) Uranium Biogeochemistry – Novel Insights from a Microbe’s Prospective
Sanford R, Fletcher K, Thomas S, Kemner K, Boyanov M, Ritalahti K & Loeffler F

(2010) Gene Expression of Dissimilatory Sulfite Reductase in Desulfovibrio vulgaris as a Marker for the Rate of Sulfate Reduction in Natural Systems
Strattan D, Sanford R, Flynn T & Bethke C

(2010) Groundwater Chemistry and the Active Bacterial Community in a Pristine Confined Aquifer
Flynn T, Sanford R & Bethke C

(2009) Novel Tools for in situ Detection of Biodiversity and Function of Dechlorinating and Uranium-Reducing Bacteria in Contaminated Environments
Hauer K, Meisinger DB, Pavlekovic M, Thomas SH, Kniggendorf A-K, Chee Sanford J, Sanford R, Lebrón CA, Liebl W, Loeffler FE & Lee NM

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