All abstracts by Philipp Ruprecht in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Magma Mixing and Partial Hybridization during the 1993 Subplinian Eruption of Lascar Volcano, Northern ChileCardenas A, Oliveros V, Salas P, Muñoz Y, Ruprecht P, Esquivel A, Scheinost A, Scaillet B & Michelfelder G
(2020) Tracking the Degree of Disequilibrium during Magma Ascent and Reheating
Ruprecht P, Huggins E & Ghiorso M
(2019) Melt Inclusion Study from the Quaternary Pudahuel Ignimbrite: A Window to Magma Chamber Processes
Pineda C, Cannatelli C, Ruprecht P & Morata D
(2018) Petrology and Geochemistry of Mafic Enclaves from Shiveluch Volcano, Kamchatka
Goltz AE, Krawczynski MJ, Gavrilenko M, Gorbach NV & Ruprecht P
(2018) Magmatic H2O Variations in Primitive Magmas of Klyuchevskoy Volcano Through the Lens of the Ca-in-Olivine Geohygrometer
Gavrilenko M, Ruprecht P & Krawczynski M
(2015) Redox Evolution during Magma-Mixing: Implications for Cu/Au Ratios of Porphyry Deposits
Fiege A, Simon A & Ruprecht P
(2015) Thermal Histories of Magma Storage and Implications for Magma Mixing
Cooper K, Kent A, Huber C, Rubin A, Schrecengost K, Degruyter W & Ruprecht P
(2014) Experimental Constraints on Sulfur Transfer during Magma Mixing
Fiege A, Simon A & Ruprecht P
(2014) Survival during Ascent in the Crust: The Presence of Early, Deep Crystallizing Primitive Phenocrysts
Ruprecht P
(2014) Sulfur and Chalcophile Metal Mobility during Magma Mixing
Simon A, Fiege A & Ruprecht P
(2014) Trace Element Characteristics of Deformed and Undeformed Olivine from Kilauea Iki
Bradshaw R, Kent A & Ruprecht P
(2013) The Architecture of the Intermediate-Sized Quizapu Magma System
Ruprecht P, Bergantz G, Cooper K & Bachmann O
(2013) Timescale and Petrogenesis of 2009 and Older W. Mata Boninite Magmas
Rubin K, Michael P, Gill J, Clague D, Plank T, Escrig S, Glancy S, Todd E, Cooper L, Keller N, Soule A, Hellebrand E, Kelley K, Cottrell L, Jenner F, Arculus R, Ruprecht P, Lupton J, Langmuir C & Embley R
(2013) Short Timescales of Magma Ascent Recorded in Melt Inclusion Diffusion Profiles
Plank T, Lloyd A, Ruprecht P, Hauri E & Zhang Y
(2013) Are Long-Lived Stratovolcanos Low-Pass Filters for Magma Transport?
Ruprecht P & Plank T
(2012) Insights into Magmatic Processes from Combined Crystal Age and Compositional Data
Cooper K, Eppich G, Klemetti E, Ruprecht P & Stelten M
(2012) Mantle Signals in Olivine Phenocrysts in Arc Volcanics
Ruprecht P & Plank T
(2012) Water Loss from Melt Inclusions in Pyroclasts of Differing Sizes
Plank T, Lloyd A, Ruprecht P, Hauri E & Rose W
(2011) Magma Mixing and the Assembly of Complex Eruption Sequences
Ruprecht P & Plank T
(2007) 238U-230Th and 226Ra-230Th Crystal Ages at Volcán Quizapu: A Prime Location for Studying Magma Mixing Processes on Short Time Scales
Ruprecht P, Cooper K & Bergantz G