All abstracts by Steven Ruberg in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2012) Comparison of Methods and Results in Recent Studies of Direct Groundwater Discharge to the Atlantic Coast and Great LakesBratton J, Kroeger K, Ruberg S, Michael H & Krantz D
(2011) Seepage of Subsurface Brines into a Major Lake System Using Ra and Stable Isotopes of Oxygen and Hydrogen: A Case Study from Lake Huron
Baskaran M, Novell T, Ruberg S, Biddanda B, Johengen T, Hawley N & Klump V
(2010) Metabolically Versatile Cyanobacterial Mats in Great Lakes Sinkholes: Analogs of the Proterozoic
Voorhies A, Biddanda B, Horne N, Kendall S, Nold S, Ruberg S & Dick G