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All abstracts by Yoav Oved Rosenberg in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2022) Rapid Sulfur Quantitative and Isotopic Analysis of Sedimentary Rocks by Rock Eval 7 Coupled with MC-ICPMS and Development of New Geochemical Proxies
Cohen-Sadon H, Rosenberg YO, Feinstein S & Amrani A

(2022) What Affects the Variety, Concentration and δ34S of Volatile Organic Sulfur Compounds in Natural Gas?
Kutuzov I, Cai C, Rosenberg YO, Reznik IJ & Amrani A

(2022) Recovery of Marine Primary Producers Following the KPg Mass Extinction in Southern Tethys Upwelling System
Patra S, Rosenberg YO & Amrani A

(2011) The Co-precipitation of Ra in a Large Scale Evaporitic System
Rosenberg YO, Metz V & Ganor J

(2009) Radium Co-precipitation in Evaporitic Systems
Rosenberg YO & Ganor J

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