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All abstracts by Carlos Rodriguez-Navarro in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Microbially Mediated Struvite Precipitation: Mechanisms, Kinetics, Morphology and Applications
Polat P, Rodríguez-Navarro C, Dubey AA, Mukherjee A & Dhami NK

(2023) Micropillars Formation via Anisotropic Dissolution of Calcite Leads to Hydrophobicity
Santoro De Vico F, Rodríguez-Navarro C, Elert K & Ruiz-Agudo E

(2022) An Experimental Study of Periclase (MgO) Hydration
Ruiz-Agudo E, Ruiz Agudo C, Alvarez-Lloret P, Bonilla-Correa S & Rodríguez-Navarro C

(2021) Understanding Kinetics and Mechanisms of Pyroxenes Weathering
Monasterio-Guillot L, Ruiz-Agudo E & Rodríguez-Navarro C

(2020) Reaction-Induced Fracturing during Silicate Weathering and Carbonation
Monasterio-Guillot L, Rodriguez-Navarro C & Ruiz-Agudo E

(2019) Insights into the Mechanisms of Portlandite (Ca(OH)2) Sulfation
Ruiz-Agudo E, Ibáñez-Velasco A, Monasterio-Guillot L & Rodriguez-Navarro C

(2018) An Experimental Study of the Early Stages of Calcium Phosphate Formation and the Role of Additives
Ruiz-Agudo E, Di Lorenzo F, Ruiz-Agudo C, Alvarez-Lloret P, Kaczmarski J, Burgos-Cara A & Rodriguez-Navarro C

(2017) Use of Zirconium-Based MOFs to Enhance Silicate Carbonation
Di Lorenzo F, Ruiz-Agudo E, Ibañez-Velasco A, Navarro JAR & Rodriguez-Navarro C

(2017) Crystallization and Colloidal Stabilization of Ca(OH)2 in the Presence of Additives
Burgos-Cara A, Ruiz-Agudo E, Elert K, Di Lorenzo F & Rodriguez-Navarro C

(2015) BaSO4 Crystallization in the Presence of Polymers: Evidence of Barite Crystallization via Non-Classical Pathways
Ruiz-Agudo C, Burgos-Cara A, Ruiz-Agudo E, Putnis C, Rodríguez-Navarro C & Putnis A

(2015) Solvation Effects on Mineral Reactivity
Ruiz-Agudo E, Putnis CV, Burgos-Cara A, Rodriguez-Navarro C & Putnis A

(2015) The Control of Calcium Silicate Weathering and Climate Evolution by Dissolution-Precipitation Processes at the Mineral-Water Interface
Ruiz-Agudo E, King HE, Patiño-Lopez LD, Putnis CV, Geisler T, Rodriguez-Navarro C & Putnis A

(2013) Thermal Ageing of Sepiolite/Polyamide66 Nanocomposites
Fernández-Barranco C, Yebra-Rodríguez Á, La Rubia-García MD, Rodríguez-Navarro AB & Jiménez-Millán J

(2012) The Mechanism of Leached Layer Formation during Mineral Dissolution
Putnis CV, Ruiz-Agudo E, Rodriguez-Navarro C & Putnis A

(2011) Nanoscale Observations of Dolomite Dissolution
Urosevic M, Ruiz-Agudo E, Putnis CV, Cardell C, Putnis A & Rodríguez-Navarro C

(2011) Bioremediation Strategies to Inhibit Salt-Enhanced Stone Weathering
Schiro M, Ruiz-Agudo E, Jroundi F, Gonzalez-Muñoz MT & Rodriguez-Navarro C

(2011) Dissolution/Precipitation Processes during Low-Temperature Mineral Weathering
Ruiz-Agudo E, Urosevic M, Putnis CV, Cardell C, Rodríguez-Navarro C & Putnis A

(2009) Incorporation of U(VI) into Biogenic Carbonates: Molecular Scale Studies
Merroun ML, Rodriguez-Navarro C, Arias JM, Bernhard G & González-Munoz MT

(2009) Growth and Phase Transformations in Mg Hydrated Sulfates: Effect of Organic Additives
Ruiz-Agudo E, Putnis CV, Putnis A & Rodriguez-Navarro C

(2007) Petro-Chemical and Physical Investigations on the "Santa Pudia Calcarenite" (Andalusia, Spain): New Hints for the Prevention and Conservation of Calcarenitic Building Materials
Arizzi A, Belfiore CM, Cultrone G, Rodriguez-Navarro C, Sebastian Pardo E & Triscari M

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