All abstracts by Stuart Robinson in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2018) Geochemical Controls on the Elemental Composition of Siderite: Implications for Palaeo-Environmental ReconstructionsSengupta R, Tosca N & Robinson S
(2017) Understanding Valanginian Continental Climate Using δ18O from Sphaerosiderites as a Proxy for Precipitation
Sengupta R, Robinson S & Tosca N
(2017) Comparing Records of End-Cretaceous and End-Permian Volcanism
Percival L, Jenkyns H, Mather T, Robinson S, Batenburg S, Woelders L & Hesselbo S
(2017) Multi-Proxy Evidence for Global Cooling during Oceanic Anoxic Event 2: The Plenus Cold Event
O'Connor L, Robinson S, Batenburg S, Jenkyns H, Naafs D, Pancost R & Rae J
(2017) Using Extraterrestrial 3He Concentration to Examine Changing Sedimentation Rates within a Precession Cycle
Lucas S, Ballentine C, Robinson SA, Jenkyns HC & Batenburg S
(2016) Paleo (Cretaceous – Modern) East Asian Monsoon Controlled by Topography and Mid-Tropospheric Flow, not pCO2
Farnsworth A, Lunt D, Robinson S, Clift P, Worbel N & Markwick P
(2016) Adjusting Marine Proxy Records to Account for Palaeogeographic Change and Plate Movements – Retrieving the Carbon Cycle Signal
Lunt D, Farnsworth A, Loptson C, Foster G, Markwick P, O'Brien C, Pancost R, Robinson S & Wrobel N
(2015) Warm Latest Jurassic–Early Cretaceous Sea-Surface Temperatures from the Tropical Pacific: A Data Model Comparison
Littler K, Lopston C, Lunt D, Bown P, Woodard S & Robinson S
(2013) Paleoclimatic Changes Across the Cretaceous-Paleogene Boundary: Geochemical Reconstructions from Seymour Island, Antarctica
O'Brien C, Robinson S, Kemp D, Crame JA, Francis J, Lunt D, Ineson J, Whittle R & Bowman V
(2013) Mo Isotope Signature of OAE 2
Westermann S, Vance D, Cameron V, Archer C & Robinson S
(2012) Fluctuations in Ocean Anoxia: Evidence from Cretaceous OAEs
Westermann S, Vance D, Archer C & Robinson S
(2011) A Synthesis of Cretaceous SST Estimates
Robinson S, Littler K, Bown P & Lees J
(2011) Mo Isotope Signature of OAE 1a: New Insights from the Western Tethys
Westermann S, Vance D, Archer C & Robinson S