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All abstracts by Andy J. Ridgwell in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2017) Constraining Carbon Inputs during the Onset of OAE 1a via Inverse Modelling
Adloff M, Greene S, Naafs D, Monteiro F, Lunt D, Ridgwell A & Hesselbo S

(2016) Hot, Salty, Bottom-Waters in the Past?
Ridgwell A

(2016) Time-Dependent Response of Overturning Circulation to Warming Across Eocene Hyperthermals
Kirtland Turner S & Ridgwell A

(2015) Impact of Oceanic Anoxia and High pCO2 on the Marine Nitrogen Cycle during the Early Cretaceous
Monteiro F, Naafs D, Pancost R, Pearson A, Ridgwell A & Higgins M

(2015) Interpreting the Ca Isotopic Signal of Ocean Acidification in the Rock Record
Fantle MS, Kump LR & Ridgwell AJ

(2015) The Global Weathering Thermostat: Fact, Fiction, and Computer Models
Ridgwell A, Greene S, Kirtland Turner S & Pogge Von Strandmann P

(2015) Tracing Palaeo-Weathering via Lithium Isotopes
Pogge von Strandmann P, Ridgwell A, Jenkyns H, Lechler M, Metzger G, Kasemann S & Desrochers A

(2015) Eocene Seawater pH – Atmospheric CO2 Reconstructions Using Boron Isotopes in Planktonic Foraminifera
Anagnostou E, John E, Edgar K, Pearson P, Ridgwell A, Inglis G, Pancost R, Lunt D & Foster G

(2015) Interpreting PETM Surface Ocean pH Change as a Function of Carbon Release Rate
Kirtland Turner S, Ridgwell A & Greene S

(2015) Source and Magnitude of Carbon Release Associated with the PETM
Gutjahr M, Sexton PF, Ridgwell A, Anagnostou E, Pearson PN, Pälike H, Norris RD, Thomas E & Foster GL

(2015) Linking Marine Carbonate Preservation to Past Climate Through the Filter of the Biological Pump
Greene S, Arndt S, Kirtland Turner S & Ridgwell A

(2014) Modelling Reactive Iron Species as a Proxy for the Spatial Distribution and Intensity of Ocean De-Oxygenation Events in an Earth System Model
Death R, Ridgwell A, Arndt S, Monteiro F, Sherman D & Vance D

(2014) The CCD in the Latest Maastrichtian: Implications for Global Carbon Cycle Resilience to the K/Pg Impact and Associated Extinctions
Ridgwell A, Green S, Schmidt D, Thomas E, Kirtland S & Pälike H

(2014) Ocean Anoxia and the Biological Pump
Meyer K, Ridgwell A & Payne J

(2014) Playing ‘Telephone’ with the PETM—Tracing Carbon Isotopic Excursions Among Reservoirs
Kirtland Turner S & Ridgwell A

(2014) Long-Term Stability of the Carbonate Compensation Depth Across the Late Paleocene-Early Eocene Warming Trend
Greene SE, Ridgwell AJ, Kirtland Turner S, Schmidt DN, Pälike H & Thomas E

(2014) Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Ocean Acidification during the End-Permian Mass Extinction – An Earth System Model Evaluation
Cui Y, Kump L & Ridgwell A

(2013) Response of the Biological Pump to Elevated Ocean Temperatures during the Eocene
John E, Pearson P, Wade B, Coxall H, Foster G, Wilson J & Ridgwell A

(2013) Evolution of the Ocean's Biological Pump
Ridgwell A

(2013) The Biological Pump and Evolution of Marine Animal Ecosystems
Meyer K, Ridgwell A & Payne J

(2013) Is This a Good Time to be Burning Fossil Fuels?
Ridgwell A

(2013) Glacial-Interglacial Changes in Ocean Carbonate Chemistry Constrained by Boron Isotopes, Trace Elements, and Modelling
Rae J, Adkins J, Foreman A, Charles C, Ridgwell A, Foster G, Schmidt D & Elliott T

(2013) Interpreting Molybdenum Isotopes as a Proxy for the Spatial Distribution and Intensity of Ocean De-Oxygenation Events in an Earth System Model
Death R, Ridgwell A, Arndt S, Monteiro F, Sherman D & Vance D

(2013) Multiple Pools of Reduced Carbon can be Released during Hyperthermals
Pancost R, Badger M, Naafs D, Froehner S, Castro J-M, De Gea G, Quijano M-L, Aguado R, Lowson C & Ridgwell A

(2012) Interrogating >1Myr Time-Scale Controls on Ocean Chemistry In a 3D Model?!
Ridgwell A

(2012) A Spatially-Structured Model for Proterozoic Ocean Biogeochemistry
Daines S, Ridgwell A & Lenton T

(2012) Boron Isotope Constraints on Deglacial Deepwater Formation and CO2 Release from the North Pacific
Rae J, Ridgwell A, Foster G, Sarnthein M, Grootes P & Elliott T

(2011) Sea Floor Methane Emissions in Continental Shelves and the Role of Anaerobic Methane Oxidation
Tsandev I, Regnier P, Ridgwell A & Dale A

(2011) Quantifying Ocean Acidification during the Palaeogene Hyperthermals
Foster L, Schmidt D, Ridgwell A, Thomas E, Coath C, Hinton R & Scott T

(2009) Ocean Acidification: Been There, Done that
Kump L & Ridgwell A

(2008) Reconciling 14C Timescales for Marine Isotope Stage 3
Richards D, Beck W, Hoffmann D, Smart P, Singarayer J, Ridgwell A & Valdes P

(2008) In Search of the Deglacial Carbonate Preservation Maximum: Why is it Missing?
Mekik F, Anderson R & Ridgwell A

(2008) Constraints on the Carbon Cycle Changes during the PETM
Schmidt DN, Ridgwell A, Kasemann S & Thomas E

(2007) Greenhouse Gas Driven Hyperthermals of the Paleogene: How Much Carbon, How Fast?
Ridgwell A, Panchuk K & Kump L

(2007) Carbon, Nitrogen, and Sulfur Cycling in a Euxinic End-Permian Ocean
Meyer K, Kump L & Ridgwell A

(2006) Glacial-interglacial changes in atmospheric CO2 - A smörgåsbord of marine biogeochemical forcings
Ridgwell A & Kohfeld K

(2002) Does the Ocean Iron Cycle Destabilize the Glacial Climate System?
Ridgwell A

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