All abstracts by Thomas Reimer in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2011) Paleoarchean Barites Record Microbial Reduction of a Well-Mixed Marine Sulfate ReservoirRoerdink DL, Mason PRD, Farquhar J & Reimer T
(2008) Multiple Sulfur Isotopes in Pyrite and Barite-Rich Sediments from the Barberton Greenstone Belt: Evidence for Microbial Sulfur Cycling?
Mason P, Reimer T & Whitehouse M
(2007) Sulfur Isotopes in Barite Deposits from the Lower Onverwacht Group, Barberton Greenstone Belt: Evidence for Microbial Sulfate Reduction at >3.5 Ga?
Mason P, Asschert A, Reimer T, Kosler J & Whitehouse M