All abstracts by Guangle Qiu in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2012) Mercury Contamiation to the Environment and Health Impacts by Small and Large Scale Hg Mining Activties in ChinaFeng X, Qiu G, Li P, Zhang H & Larssen T
(2010) Inter-Comparison of Methods to Detect Methylmercury in Porewater of Rice Paddy
Liu J, Feng X, Shang L, Qiu G, Yan H & Yao H
(2010) A Preliminary Study on the Mechanism of Methylmercury Accumulation in Rice at Abandoned Mercury Mines in Guizhou, China
Feng X, Meng B, Qiu G, Zhang H, Li P & Shang L
(2008) Mercury Isotopic Ratios of Soil and Sediment Samples Collected from Contaminated Areas in China
Feng X, Foucher D, Hintelmann H, Qiu G, Li G, Yan H & He T