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All abstracts by Rosa María Prol-Ledesma in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2013) Evaluation of Heavy Metals in Sediments of Chapala Lake
González Guadarrama MDJ, Villanueva Estrada RE & Prol Ledesma RM

(2013) Bacterial Populations (First Record) at Two Shallow Submarine Hydrothermal Vents off West Mexico
Estradas-Romero A, Dávila-Ramos S, Prol-Ledesma RM & Juárez-López K

(2011) Organic Matter Alteration due to High Heat Flow in the Northern Gulf of California
Prol-Ledesma RM, Angeles C, Villanueva-Estrada RE & Canet C

(2011) Variation of Silica and Diatoms in Wagner and Consag Basins in the North Part of California Gulf, Mexico
Villanueva-Estrada RE, Estradas-Romero A, Prol-Ledesma RM, Zamudio-Resendiz ME, Rodríguez D, Tobón E & Rentería J

(2007) Arsenic in Hydrothermal Fluids from Shallow Vents in Baja California, México
Villanueva Estrada RE, Prol Ledesma RM & Canet Miquel C

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