All abstracts by Laurent Pourcelot in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Characterizing the Main Sources of Radiocesium Using 135Cs/137Cs RatioPourcelot L, Boulet B, Claval D & Chabaux F
(2020) Biomonitoring of Airborne Micro-Particles Released by Aluminum Industry by Using Naturally Occuring Radionuclides
Pourcelot L, Masson O, Leprieur M, Cagnat X, Boulet B, Noack Y & Raynal J-C
(2019) Determination of the Long Term Decrease of 137Cs Bioavailability in French Pastures Based on 25 Years of Field Monitoring
Brimo K, Gonze MA & Pourcelot L
(2017) Radium Distribution and Mobility in Forest Soils
Lascar E, Rihs S, Pelt E, Pourcelot L, Calmon P, Redon P-O, Galy C, Turpault M-P & Chabaux F
(2016) Japanese Peat Records of Atmospheric Deposition of Artificial Radionuclides (J-Peat): Impacts of Fukushima Accident and Implications for Radiochronology
De Vleeschouwer F, Le Roux G, Sonke J, Van Beek P, Souhaut M, Pourcelot L, Masson O, Guarriaran R, Hughes P, Piotrowska N, Tanimizu M & Hotes S
(2016) Comparative Repartition of 226Ra, 238U, 234U and 230Th in Soils Taken in the Vicinity of ANDRA Underground Research Laboratory (Bure, France)
Pourcelot L, Calmon P, Chabaux F, Conil S, Galy C, Granet M, Lascar E, Leclerc E & Redon P-O
(2014) The Atmospheric Deposition of Uranium and Thorium on Vegetals
Pourcelot L, Masson O, Renaud P, Cagnat X, Boulet B & Cariou N
(2014) Multiscale Study of Radionuclides Variability Near Former French Uranium Mines
Cuvier A, Le Roux G, Pourcelot L, Panza F & Foissard B
(2014) Environmental Assessment of Trace Metals Contamination Near Former French Uranium Mines
Cuvier A, Le Roux G & Pourcelot L
(2011) Transfer of Uranium Isotopes, Thorium and their Decay Products to Edible Plants
Jeambrun M, Pourcelot L, Mercat C, Gauthier-Lafaye F & Boulet B
(2011) Mineralogy of Atmospheric Particles Deposited on Cypress Leaves Close to a Nuclear Plant
Kaltenmeier R, Gieré R & Pourcelot L
(2010) Studies of Airborne Radionuclides in the Vicinity of a Nuclear Facility
Pourcelot L, Masson O, Renaud P, Van Hecke W & Gieré R
(2008) Variability of Atmospheric Depositions on Moutainous Area
Pourcelot L, Renaud P & Leroux G
(2007) Tracing Global Fallout Using 210Pb and Artificial Radionuclides Inventories in Mountainous Area
Pourcelot L, Le Roux G, Renaud P, Vray F & Masson O
(2007) The Mobility of Actinides and 90Sr from Bomb Test Fallout in a Karstic Area, Jura Mountains (Switzerland)
Steinmann P, Pourcelot L & Froidevaux P
(2005) Comparative Migration Behaviour of <+>137<$>Cs, <+>90<$>Sr, <+>241<$>Am and 239+ <+>240<$>Pu in Soils: Examples of Forest Soil of Vosges and Wetland of Mercantour Areas (France)
Solovitch-Vella N, Pourcelot L, Froidevaux P, Gauthier-Lafaye F, Stille P & Aubert D
(2004) Tracing of Atmospheric Pb, Sr and Rare Earth Elements in a Soilwater-Plant System of a Forested Silicate Catchment
Stille P, Gauthier-Lafaye F, Pourcelot L, Loubet M, Aubert D & Probst A
(2003) Constraining Actinides Migration in Soils Using Activity Ratios
Pourcelot L, Froidevaux P, Morello M, Agarande M, Gauthier-Lafaye F & Stille P
(2000) Spatio Temporal Variability of Cesium Fallout in One High Altitude Catchment Basin
Pourcelot L, Bouisset P, Calmet D & Louvat D