All abstracts by Adriana Potra in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2022) A Pb Isotope Synthesis of Mississippi Valley-Type Ores in the Midcontinent U.S.A.: Trends and Ore Metal Source(s)Potra A & Samuelsen JR
(2018) Legacy Lead from Past Mining Activity and Gasoline Additives: Evidence from Lead Isotopes and Trace Element Geochemical Studies in the Arkansas River and White River Basins, Southern Ozark Region
Potra A, Ruhl L, Samuelsen J & Dodd J
(2017) Isotope and Trace Element Geochemistry of Cretaceous Igneous Rocks of the Arkansas Alkaline Province, USA: Constraints on their Origin and Evolution
Potra A, Hardisty L, Philbrick J & Bottoms B
(2015) Geochemical and Lead Isotope Studies of Sediments from the Tar Creek and Neosho River: Effects of Mining the Mississippi Valley-Type Ores in the Tri-State District
Potra A, Dodd J & Ruhl L
(2014) Constraining the Sources of Ore Metals in the Mississippi Valley-Type Deposits in Tennessee Using Pb Isotopes
Potra A, Unger D & Moyers A
(2010) Lead Isotope Variations and Tectonic Terranes in Southern Mexico
Potra A & Macfarlane AW