All abstracts by Jess F. Adkins in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2018) The Dissolution Rate of Calcium Carbonate in SeawaterAdkins J
(2018) A New Study on PIC Dissolution and Sinking Fluxes, Concentrations and Calcite/Aragonite Ratios in the North Pacific
Dong S, Celestian A, Turaga N, Rollins N, Naviaux J, Subhas A, Adkins J & Berelson W
(2018) Pairing Stable Isotopes with Lake Level – A Path for Reconstructing Paleo-Evaporation?
Goldsmith Y, Xu H & Adkins J
(2018) Sedimentary Sulfur Cycling in Oxygenated Deep Ocean Settings
Gutierrez M, Johnson D, Present T & Adkins J
(2018) Variance in Phanerozoic Marine Sulfate δ34S Proxies
Present T, Gutierrez M, Fischer W, Grotzinger J & Adkins J
(2018) Single-brachiopod δ34SCAS Indicates a Dynamic, Climatically-Influenced Permo-Carboniferous S Cycle
Johnson D, Grossman E, Webb S & Adkins J
(2017) Geomorphic Controls on Dissolved Li Isotope Compositions of Small Rivers in Eastern Taiwan
Wahington K, West AJ, Paris G, Adkins J, Chung C-H, Wang R-M & You C-F
(2017) Proxy Calibration of Cultured Cold Water Corals and Application to Fossil Corals from the Southern Ocean
Sherrell R, Ko S, Kozdon R, Pelejero C & Adkins J
(2017) Carbonate Associated Sulfate's Journey along the "Elderfield Curve"
Paris G, Adkins J, Barkan Y, Halevi I, Present T, Rennie V, Sessions A & Turchyn S
(2017) Relating the δ34S of Carbonate Associated Sulfate to Solution Composition and Precipitation Rate
Barkan Y, Paris G, Iron MA, Adkins JF, Sessions AL & Halevy I
(2017) Deep Sea Corals as Archives of Seawater Zn Isotopes
Little S, van De Flierdt T, Rehkämper M, Wilson D, Adkins J & Robinson L
(2017) Finding Toba: Traces in a Borneo Stalagmite
Carolin S, Orland I, Cobb K, Adkins J, Valley J, Webb S, Edwards N, Pyle D, Mosselmans F & Geraki T
(2017) Organic Sulfur Fluxes and Isotope Mass Balance in Rivers
Kemeny P, Torres M, Webb S, Lamb M, Adkins J & Fischer W
(2017) CO2 Storage and Release in the Deep Southern Ocean on Millennial to Centennial Timescales
Rae J, Burke A, Robinson L, Adkins J, Chen T, Cole C, Littley E, Nita D, Spooner P & Taylor B
(2017) Intermediate Water Temperature and Radiocarbon Records from the North Atlantic and Southern Ocean Across the most Recent Glacial Termination
Hines S, Eiler J & Adkins J
(2017) Sulfur Isotopes in Rivers: Insights into Global Pyrite Oxidation and the Modern Sulfur Cycle
Burke A, Adkins J, Gaillardet J, Holmes RM, McClelland J, Paris G, Peucker-Ehrenbrink B, Spencer R & Voss B
(2017) Global Carbon Cycle Feedbacks of Glacial Weathering
Moosdorf N, Torres MA, Hartmann J, Adkins JF & West AJ
(2016) Zinc Isotopes in Deep Sea Corals
Little S, van de Flierdt T, Wilson D, Spooner P, Adkins J & Robinson L
(2016) Exploring the Controls on Authigenic Nd and Pb Isotope Tracers in the Indian and Southern Oceans
Wilson D, van de Flierdt T, Struve T, Piotrowski A, Galy A & Adkins J
(2016) Rapid-Throughput MC-ICPMS Techniques for Analysis of Multiple Transition Metal Isotope Ratios in Seawater, and Case Studies from Recent GEOTRACES Cruises
Conway TM, Archer C, Rosenberg AD, Adkins JF, John SG & Vance D
(2016) Dissolved Lithium Flux and Isotopic Composition from Weathering of an Active Volcanic System, AsO Caldera, Japan
Washington KE, West AJ, Adkins J, Paris G, Hosono T, Ide K, Boettcher M, Amann T & Hartmann J
(2015) The Effect of Mg/Ca Ratios Upon the Mg, Sr, and Other Elements within Coral Skeletons
Giri S, Swart P, Devlin Q & Adkins J
(2015) Catalysis of CO2 Sequestration by Reaction with Limestone can Keep up with Global Anthropogenic Emissions
Adkins J, Subhas A, Rollins N & Berelson W
(2015) Novel Measurements of Inorganic and Biogenic Calcite Dissolution Kinetics in Seawater
Subhas A, Adkins J, Berelson W, Rollins N & Erez J
(2015) Unraveling Microbial Paleorates and Burial History of Methane-Derived Carbonates Using Novel Approaches
Hancock L, Lyons T, Paris G, Adkins J, Gill B, Frank T & Shapiro R
(2015) The Vital Aspects of Reconstructing Seawater Li Isotope Composition: Insights from Modern Shells and Cultured Organisms
Dellinger M, West AJ, Adkins JF, Paris G, Freitas PS, Bagard M-L, Eagle R, Ries J & Corsetti F
(2015) Nutrient and pH Dynamics of Intermediate Depth Southern Ocean Waters during the Last Glacial and Interglacial Period
Anagnostou E, Stewart J, Sherrell R, Adkins J, Hines S & Foster G
(2015) Lithium Isotopes in Geothermal Systems and Rivers
Washington KE, West AJ, You C-F, Adkins JF & Paris G
(2015) Exploring Pb Isotopes in Deep-Sea Corals: Measurement by TIMS and Application to the Deglacial Southern Ocean
Wilson D, van de Flierdt T, Bridgestock L, Paul M, Rehkamper M, Robinson L & Adkins J
(2015) Matching Circulation Theory and Geochemical Tracer Data for the Glacial Deep Ocean
Adkins J
(2015) Enrichment of 34S in the Intracellular Sulfate during Dissimilatory Sulfate Reduction
Sim MS, Paris G, Adkins J, Orphan V & Sessions A
(2015) Isotopic Constraints on Riverine Sulfur Sources: A Global Perspective
Burke A, Adkins J, Gaillardet J, Paris G, Peucker-Ehrenbrink B, Voss B, Spencer R, Holmes RM & McClelland J
(2014) A Drying Event at 8.2 kyr in a High-Resolution Borneo Speleothem Record
Hoffmann S, Chen S, Lund D, Adkins J & Cobb K
(2014) Large δ34SCAS Variability Among Sedimentary Components in End-Ordovician-Age Strata
Present T, Paris G, Burke A, Fischer W & Adkins J
(2014) Relating the Concentration and Isotopic Composition of Carbonate Associated Sulfate to Parent Solutions
Barkan Y, Paris G, Sessions A, Adkins J & Halevy I
(2014) Insights into Early Cenozoic Climate from Coupled Sulfur and Carbon Isotopes in Foraminiferal Calcite
Rennie V, Paris G, Abramovich S, Sessions A, Adkins J & Turchyn A
(2014) Time Series of Radiocarbon in Southern Ocean Intermediate Water for the Past 30, 000 Years
Hines S, Southon J & Adkins J
(2014) The Dissolution Kinetics of Calcium Carbonate Minerals
Subhas A, Rollins N, Adkins J, Berelson W & Erez J
(2014) Recovering Primary Geochemistry from Ancient Aragonitic Fossil Corals
Gothmann A, Stolarski J, Adkins J, Dennis K, Schrag D & Bender M
(2013) Sulfate was a Trace Constituent in the Oceans of the Early Earth
Canfield D, Crowe S, Jones C, Paris G, Adkins J, Session A, Farquhar J, Zerkle A, Kim S-T & Nomosatryo S
(2013) A New Cenozoic Record of Sulfur Isotopes from Foraminiferal Calcite
Rennie V, Paris G, Adkins JF & Turchyn AV
(2013) Constraining the Modern Riverine Sulfur Isotopic Budget
Burke A, Adkins J, Gaillardet J, Holmes M, McClelland J, Peucker-Ehrenbrink B, Robinson L & Voss B
(2013) Glacial-Interglacial Changes in Ocean Carbonate Chemistry Constrained by Boron Isotopes, Trace Elements, and Modelling
Rae J, Adkins J, Foreman A, Charles C, Ridgwell A, Foster G, Schmidt D & Elliott T
(2013) Ice Age Carbon Dynamics of the Interior Atlantic Ocean Inferred from a Highly Resolved Sedimentary Depth Transect
Foreman A, Charles C, Rae J, Slowey N & Adkins J
(2012) Fossil Corals as an Archive of Phanerozoic Seawater Chemistry
O'Leary A, Bender M, Stolarski J, Adkins J, Dennis K & Schrag D
(2012) Biomineralization in Corals and the Hunt for New Tracers of the Past Ocean
Adkins J & Gagnon A
(2012) Reduced Mixing between Two Deep Ocean Cells during the LGM and a Theory for the Cold Phase of Glacial Cycles
Adkins J
(2012) Changes in the Deglacial NW Atlantic from Deep Sea Coral epsilonNd
Crocket KC, van de Flierdt T, Robinson LF & Adkins JF
(2012) Profile of Sulfate Isotopic Composition of Lake Matano, Indonesia
Paris G, Adkins J, Sessions A, Crowe S, Jones C, Fowle D & Canfield D
(2012) Reconstructing Deep-Ocean Nutrients with Paired Cd/Ca and Cd Isotopes in Deep-Sea Corals
Horner TJ, Henderson GM, Rickaby REM & Adkins JF
(2011) Calcium Isotopes during Coral Biomineralization
Gagnon A, DePaolo D, Adkins J & De Yoreo J
(2011) Marine Controls on Atmospheric Radiocarbon: The Glacial and Deglaciation
Robinson LF, Burke A & Adkins JF
(2011) The Effect of Deep Ocean Stratification on pCO2 and Δ14C
Adkins J
(2011) Deglacial NW Atlantic Ventilation from Paired Deep-Water Coral Radiocarbon and Nd Isotopes
Crocket KC, van de Flierdt T, Robinson LF & Adkins JF
(2011) Past Ocean Temperatures and Coupled U/Th and 14C Measurements from Deep-Sea Corals
Thiagarajan N, Adkins J & Eiler J
(2011) Pb in a Deep Sea Coral: Transfer of Anthropogenic Pb to the Deep North Atlantic Ocean over the Last 500 Years
Lee J-M, Eltgroth S, Boyle E & Adkins J
(2011) Fe Kinetics of Marine Particle Uptake and Desorption Determined from Laboratory Experiments
Beck AR & Adkins JF
(2010) Past Ocean Temperature and Radiocarbon Values from Deep-Sea Corals
Adkins J & Thiagarajan N
(2009) Clumped Isotope Calibration of Modern Deep Sea Corals and Implications for Vital Effects
Thiagarajan N, Guo W, Adkins J & Eiler J
(2009) Seawater Dissolved Fe Isotopes as a Tracer of Fe Sources to the Ocean
John S & Adkins J
(2009) Colder NADW Leads to Salty Deep Water Formation in the South
Adkins J
(2009) Atlantic Ocean Water Mass Distribution over the Past 32, 000 yrs from Nd Isotopes in Deep-Sea Corals
van de Flierdt T, Robinson LF & Adkins JF
(2009) Constraints from Clumped Isotope Analyses of a Stalagmite on Maximum Tropical Temperature Change Through the Late Pleistocene
Meckler AN, Adkins J, Eiler J & Cobb K
(2009) New Capabilities for Small-Scale and High-Precision SIMS Analysis
Eiler J, Adkins J, Chapman A, Guan Y, Hofmann A & Ferry J
(2008) A Simple Vertical Model of Marine Zn and Cd Isotope Cycling
John S, Boyle E & Adkins J
(2008) Coastal Ocean Iron Time Series
Mendez J & Adkins J
(2008) Analysis of Mg, Sr, and Ba in Deep Sea Corals Using SIMS and ICP-MS
Gabitov R, Gagnon A, Adkins J & Eiler J
(2008) Development of Coupled GC/ICPMS for Analysis of δ34S in Individual Organic Compounds
Amrani A, Sessions A & Adkins J
(2007) Stalagmite Records of Tropical Pacific Climate Since the Last Glacial Maximum
Partin J, Cobb K, Adkins J & Clark B
(2007) Sr/Ca as a Proxy for Temperature in the Deep-Sea Coral Desmophyllum dianthus
Gagnon A, Adkins J & Fernandez D
(2007) Phosphorus, Barium and Boron in the Deep-Sea Coral Desmophyllum dianthus: Preliminary Calibrations
Anagnostou E, Sherrell R, Adkins J & Gagnon A
(2005) Carbonate Paleothermometry Based on Abundances of <+>13<$>C-<+>18<$>O Bonds
Eiler J, Ghosh P, Affeck H, Adkins J, Schauble E, Schrag D & Hoffman P
(2004) Uranium-Series Dating and Diagenesis in Deep Sea Corals
Robinson L & Adkins J
(2003) Geochemistry of the Deep Water Coral Isidella; Intermediate Depth and Surface Ocean Chemical Recorder
Spero H, Jang N & Adkins J
(2002) The Temperature, Salinity and δ18O of the LGM Deep Ocean
Adkins JF, McIntyre K & Schrag DP
(2002) Unpacking "Vital Effects" in Biogenic Carbonates Using Deep-Sea Corals
Adkins JF
(2000) Pore Fluid Constraints on Chemistry and Temperature of the Glacial Ocean
Schrag DP, Adkins JF & McIntyre K
(2000) The Pre-Bomb, Holocene and Deglacial Radiocarbon Content of the Deep Atlantic Ocean
Adkins J, Cheng H, Shen C, Edwards R & Druffel E