All abstracts by Victor Ponomarchuk in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2013) Isotopes of Elemental Carbon in the Chelyabinsk MeteoritePonomarchuk V, Podgornykh N, Pyryaev A & Ponomarchuk A
(2013) Carbon Isotopes and Microelements Distribution in Fractions of Brown Coals
Pyryaev A, Ponomarchuk V & Semenova D
(2013) Whether Graphites is Able to Reflect an Economical Aspect of Metalliferous Strata
Ponomarchuk V, Moroz T, Pyryaev A, Ponomarchuk A & Semenova D
(2013) Carbon-13 and Uranothorianite Age Dating in the Botogol Alkaline Massif Graphites (Eastern Sayan, Russia)
Zhmodik S, Mironov A, Karmanov N, Ponomarchuk V, Belyanin D, Kirichenko I & Zhmodik A
(2011) Correlation of δ13C and PGE Contents in Magmatic Ores
Semenova D, Ponomarchuk V & Ryabov V
(2011) 250-Ma Old Nature Carbon Nanostructuring Materials and Nanotubes in Inrusive Rocks
Ponomarchuk V, Semenova D, Moroz T, Titov A & Ryabov V
(2010) The PGE Contents – δ13C Correlation in Native Fe(-Pt) Ores, Dzhaltul (The Siberian Plate)
Ryabov V, Ponomarchuk V, Semenova D & Lapkovsky A
(2010) The Siberian Traps: What’s New?
Travin A, Ryabov V & Ponomarchuk V
(2010) Carbon Isotope Composition of CO2 from Fluid Inclusions in Quartz
Semenova D, Ponomarchuk V, Timkina A & Tretjakova P
(2010) Carbon Isotope Fractionation in the Oil of the Lake Baikal
Moskvin V, Semenova D, Ponomarchuk V & Khlistov O
(2009) Stages of the Mesozoic Ore Formation in the East Asia
Ponomarchuk V, Sorokin A, Travin A & Sorokin A
(2009) Modern Thermofilic Cyanobacterial Mats: Geochemical Features
Lazareva E, Bryanskaya A, Zhmodik S, Pestunova O, Ponomarchuk V, Semionova D, Barkhutova D & Melgunov M
(2009) Carbon Isotopic Composition in Diamonds and Crystalline Graphite – Continuous-Flow GB-IRMS Method
Semenova D & Ponomarchuk V
(2008) Carbon Isotope Composition in Microbial Mats and Travertine of BRZ
Lazareva E, Bryanskaya A, Zhmodik S, Ponomarchuk V, Barkhutova D & Semionova D
(2007) Temporal Distribution and Cyclicity in Formation of Porphyry Cu-Mo Deposits
Ponomarchuk V, Sotnikov V, Fedorin M, Gimon O & Shaporina M
(2004) ?13C and 14C in Peat of Western Siberia
Talibova A, Ryabogina N, Ponomarchuk V & Orlova L
(2004) Correlation of Paleozoic Porphyry Magmatism of Cu-Mo Deposits with Global Events on the Earth
Ponomarchuk V & Sotnikov V
(2004) Timing of Mesozoic Magmatism in Khingan-Okhotsk Volcanoplutonic Belt (Russian Far East)
Derbeko I, Sorokin A, Ponomarchuk V & Sorokin A
(2002) 40Ar/39Ar Dating of the Stages of Endogenic Activity at the Paleozoic Cu-Mo-Porphyry Deposits in Southern Siberia
Ponomarchuk V & Sotnikov V
(2002) (87Sr/86Sr)0 Isotope and Geochemical (F, Cl, REE) Heterogeneity in Apatite and Titanite Mineral Populations from Magmatites of Shakhtama Cu-Mo Porphyry Deposit, Eastern Transbaikalia, Russia
Sotnikov V, Ponomarchuk V, Kiseleva V & Bersina A
(2002) Umlekan-Ogodzha Early Cretaceous Magmatic Belt (North Margin of the Amurian Superterrane): Duration of Magmatism and Tectonic Implications
Sorokin A & Ponomarchuk V
(2002) D13C-, 87Sr/86Sr-Evolution Trends of the Meso-Neoproterozoic Carbonate Deposits: West Margin of the Siberian Craton
Khabarov E, Ponomarchuk V & Morozova I