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All abstracts by Matthew Polizzotto in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Towards Understanding Heat-Induced Contaminant Reactivity Across a Serpentine Soil Toposequence in Southwestern Oregon
Obeidy CS, Koeneke M & Polizzotto M

(2021) Fate of Hexavalent Chromium in a Multicomponent System
Balogun FO, Aiken M, Namayandeh A, Duckworth O & Polizzotto M

(2020) Quantifying Cr(VI) Production Rates as a Function of Manganese Oxide Mineralogy and Dissolved Organic Carbon Composition
Balogun F & Polizzotto M

(2020) The Influence of Critical Zone Age on Contaminant Reactivity along a Fluvial Chronosequence in the Oregon Coast Range
Obeidy C & Polizzotto M

(2018) Sediment Manganese Oxide Content as an Indicator of Groundwater Arsenic Pollution Potential
Polizzotto M, Gillispie E & Duckworth O

(2018) Binding Mechanisms of Heavy Metals in Soils after Long-Term Fertilization Treatment
Sun F, Polizzotto M & Yu G

(2014) Manganese Near-Surface Repartitioning and Delivery to Groundwater in North Carolina
Polizzotto M, Gillispie E, Austin R, Rivera N, Abraham J, Wang S, Bolich R, Bradley P, Duckworth O, Amoozegar A & Hesterberg D

(2011) The Hydrogeochemistry of Pond and Rice Field Recharge: Implications for the Arsenic Contaminated Aquifers in Bangladesh
Neumann RB, Ashfaque KN, Polizzotto ML, Badruzzaman ABM, Ali MA & Harvey CF

(2008) Defining Spatial and Temporal Variations in Biogeochemical Processes Governing Arsenic Mobility
Fendorf S, Kocar B, Tufano K, Masue Y, Polizzotto M, Pallud C & Benner S

(2008) Deriving and Simulating the Coupled Biogeochemical and Hydrologic Processes Governing Arsenic Transport within Evolving Sedimentary Basins of Southeast Asia
Kocar B, Ying S, Polizzotto M, Ung M, Suy B, Phan K, Samreth S, Sampson M, Benner S & Fendorf S

(2005) Arsenic Mobilization in Mine-Impacted Sediments
Toevs G, Polizzotto M, Morra M, Strawn D, Fendorf S & Bostick B

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