All abstracts by Simon Pimblott in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2015) Examining Radiation Damage Effects in Phyllosilicates with Applications to Radioactive Waste GeodisposalBower W, Pearce C, Mosselmans F, Haigh S, Pimblott S & Pattrick R
(2012) Impact of Radiation on the Microbial Reduction of Iron Oxides
Brown A, Wincott P, Vaughan D, Pimblott S, Goodacre R & Lloyd J
(2011) Radiation Damage in Biotite: Defined by Micro XAS and XRD
Pattrick R, Geraki T, Charnock J, Pearce C, Mosselmans F, Pimblott S & Droop G