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All abstracts by Flynn Picardal in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2016) Effects of Suspended Particulates on Microbial Growth and Examination of Proposed Mechanisms
An T & Picardal F

(2011) Chemical Compound Classes Supporting Microbial Methanogenesis in Coal
Furmann A, Picardal F, Schimmelmann A, Brassell S & Mastalerz M

(2011) Enhanced Growth of Acidovorax Delafieldii 2AN during Nitrate-Dependent Fe(II) Oxidation in Continuous-Flow Systems
Chakraborty A, Schieber J, Roden E & Picardal F

(2010) Using Direct-Current and Complex Electrical Conductivity to Monitor Biogeochemical Redox Reactions
Regberg A, Singha K, Bond D, Picardal F, Zheng Q, Roden E & Brantley S

(2009) Microbially-Mediated Anaerobic Redox Cycling of Iron and Nitrogen in Sediments
Coby A, Shelobolina E, Xu H, Roden E & Picardal F

(2009) Electrical Conductivity Associated with Dissimilatory Iron Reduction: Are Microbial Biofilms Conductive?
Regberg A, Singha K, Picardal F, Zheng Q, Bond D & Brantley S

(2002) Effect of Sediment Mineralogy on Microbiologically Induced (DMRB) Changes in Divalent Metal Speciation
Cooper C, Neal A & Picardal F

(2001) Chemical and Biological Interactions during Nitrate and Goethite Reduction by Shewanella putrefaciens 200
Cooper DC, Picardal FW, Schimmelman A & Coby AJ

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