All abstracts by Brent Peyton in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2016) Selenium Biomineralization Applied to Mine Facility DesignBithell Kirk L, Hwang C, Ertuna C, Kennedy C & Peyton B
(2013) Biological Diversityand Potential in Geothermal Systems
Peyton B & Lee H
(2012) Uranium Association and Interaction with Redox Boundary in Rifle Surface Seep Sediments
Stewart B, Nico P & Peyton B
(2010) Mechanisms of Biogenic Uraninite Oxidation in the Presence of Fe(III)(hydr)oxides
Stewart B & Peyton B
(2010) Modeling UO2 Bioprecipitation and Reoxidation by Fe(III) (Hydr)oxides
Spycher N, Issarangkun M, Stewart B, Sengor S, Ginn T, Sani R & Peyton B
(2009) Geomicrobiological Control of Selenium Solubility in Subsurface Phosphate Overburden Deposits
Kirk LB, Childers SE, Peyton B, McDermott T, Gerlach R & Johnson TM
(2009) Elucidating Dominant Mechanisms of Nanocrystalline Uraninite Reoxidation by Fe(III)(hydr)oxides
Stewart B & Peyton B
(2007) Interactions of Uranium with Fe(III)-(hydr)oxides Under Sulfate Reducing Conditions
Sani R, Peyton B, Ginn T & Dohnalkova A
(2005) Reoxidation of Biologically Reduced Uranium with Fe(III)-(hydr)oxides Under Sulfate-Reducing Conditions
Sani R, Peyton B, Dohnalkova A & Amonette J
(2005) Microbial Transformation of AQDS, Fe(III), Cr(VI), and U(VI) by a Novel Clostridiales, Strain UFO1
Ray A, Connon S, Neal A, Sivaswamy VS, Peyton B, Cummings D, Fujita Y & Magnuson T