All abstracts by Markus Petters in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2017) Aerosol Properties in the Remote North Pacific Boundary LayerRoyalty T, Phillips B, Dawson K, Reed R, Meskhidze N & Petters M
(2014) Atmosphere-Biosphere Interactions during SOAS Through Multiphase Chemistry
Carlton A, Weber R, Petters M, Ng NL, Nenes A, Nguyen TK, Xu L, Guo H & Suda S
(2014) UV Broadband Aerosol Extinction Measurements during the Southern Oxidant and Aerosol Study (SOAS)
Attwood A, Washenfelder R, Subramanian R, Saha P, Khlystov A, Nguyen TK, Brock C, Petters M, Suda S, Carlton A & Brown S
(2013) The Influence of Functional Groups on Organic Aerosol Hygroscopicity
Petters M, Suda S, Yeh G, Matsunaga A, Strollo C, Ziemann P & Kreidenweis S
(2013) Effect of Atmospheric Organics on Iron Bioavailability
Meskhidze N, Johnson M, Hurley D & Petters M
(2011) Cloud Droplet Activation of Organic Aerosols: The Role of Molecule Size, Polarity, and Functional Group Composition
Petters M, Ziemann P, Kreidenweis S, Suda S, Carrico C, Faulhaber A, Matsunaga A, Sullivan R, Minambres L & Prenni A