All abstracts by Atsuyuki Ohta in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2022) New Geochemical Data Set of 53 Elements in Stream Sediments Classified by the Dominant Lithology in a Drainage Basin –GSJ Medal Lecture–Ohta A, Imai N, Okai T, Manaka M, Kubota R, Nakamura A & Tachibana Y
(2019) Lanthanoid Coordination and Speciation in Rare Earth Minerals Using the L3-edge XANES
Ohta A & Tanaka K
(2019) 10Be/9Be Ratios of Be-Bearing Minerals and Suitability for Use as Be Carrier
Nakamura A, Okai T, Matsuzaki H & Ohta A
(2016) Speciation Study in Sediments Using BCR Sequential Extraction Method: A Long-Term Stability of Chemical Forms
Kubota R & Ohta A
(2016) Influence of Different Drying Conditions on Cu and Zn Speciation in Sediment and Soil Substances
Ohta A & Kubota R
(2013) Geochemical Mapping of 87Sr/86Sr Ratios Using Stream Sediments in Japan
Jomori Y, Minami M & Ohta A
(2013) The Spatial Distribution of Chalcophile Elements in Terrestrial and Marine Areas of Japan
Ohta A & Imai N
(2013) Geochemical Map of 87Sr/86Sr Ratios Using Stream Sediments is Useful for Detection of Food-Producing Areas and Human Migration?
Minami M, Jomori Y & Ohta A
(2012) Speciation Study of Copper in Stream Sediments and Soils
Ohta A & Kagi H
(2009) Oxidation State of Chromium in Ferropericlase Inclusions in Lower Mantle Diamonds Determined with micro-XANES Measurements
Odake S, Kagi H, Arakawa M, Ohta A & Harte B
(2007) A Combined Terrestrial and Marine Geochemical Mapping Project in Japan
Ohta A, Imai N, Terashima S, Tachibana Y, Okai T, UJiie-Mikoshiba M & Kubota R
(2006) Coordination study of lanthanide and yttrium in aqueous nitrate solutions
Ohta A, Kagi H, Tsuno H & Nomura M
(2003) Geochemical Map of Japan
Imai N, Terashima S, Okai T, Kanai Y, Mikoshiba M & Ohta A
(2003) Structural Change of REE Coprecipitated with Fe-Mn Oxyhydroxides
Ohta A, Tsuno H, Kagi H & Nomura M
(2003) XAFS Study on Trace Amount of Ytterbium Ions Incorporated in Calcite and Aragonite
Tsuno H, Kagi H, Yoshida T, Takahashi Y, Ohta A & Akagi T
(2002) XAFS Characterization of La and Nd Coprecipitated with Mn Dioxide and Fe Oxyhydroxide
Ohta A, Tsuno H, Kagi H & Nomura M