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All abstracts by Paul O'Sullivan in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2007) Evidence for Natural, Non-Thermal Annealing of Fission Tracks in Apatite
Hendriks B, Donelick R, O'Sullivan P & Redfield T

(2006) Relative U and Th Concentrations from LA-ICP-MS for Apatite Fission-Track Grain-Age Dating
Donelick RA, O'Sullivan PB, Ketcham RA, Hendriks BWH & Redfield TF

(2006) The South Virgin-White Hills detachment fault system of SE Nevada and NW Arizona: The application of apatite fission track thermochronology to constraining displacement gradient accommodation along a major detachment fault
Fitzgerald PG, Duebendorfer EM, O'Sullivan PB, Faulds JE & Fryxell JE

(2003) Experimental Evidence Concerning the Pressure Dependence of He Diffusion and Fission-Track Annealing Kinetics in Apatite
Donelick R, Farley K, Asimow P & O’Sullivan P

(2002) Contrasting Regional Denudation Patterns in Southeastern Australia from Apatite Fission-Track Imaging
Gleadow A, Kohn B, Brown R & O'Sullivan P

(2002) Constraining Landscape Evolution of the West Antarctic Rift Flank of Southern Victoria Land
Fitzgerald P, Baldwin S, Farley K, Hedges L, O'Sullivan P & Webb L

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