All abstracts by Allen Nutman in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2013) An Integrated Isotopic-Geologic View of Early Continental Crust Formation from the Oldest Rock RecordBennett V & Nutman A
(2012) Expanding Early Earth Frontiers: A New Eoarchean-Hadean(?) Terrane in Southwestern Greenland
Bennett V, Nutman A, Hiess J & Friend C
(2011) Limited Early Continents from the Chemistry of Eoarchean Rocks
Bennett V & Nutman A
(2010) Hadean Isotopic Signatures in Mesoarchean Pillow Basalts, Southern West Greenland
Bennett V, Brandon A, Jenner F & Nutman A
(2009) Probing the Conditions of Mantle Melting with Iron Isotopes
Dauphas N, Craddock P, Asimow P, Bennett V, Nutman A & Ohnenstetter D
(2008) Archean TTG Petrogenesis – The U/Pb-O-Hf Isotopic Perspective
Hiess J, Bennett V, Nutman A, Williams I & Eggins S
(2008) The Oldest Rocks and Zircons in China
Wan Y, Liu D, Wilde S, Nutman A, Dong C & Wang W
(2008) The Search for Global Variations in 142Nd Isotopic Compositions of Eoarchean Rocks
Bennett V, Brandon A, Nutman A, Wan Y & Black L
(2007) In situ Hf and O Isotopic Data from Archean Zircons of SW Greenland
Hiess J, Bennett V, Nutman A & Williams I
(2007) Crust- Mantle Dynamics in the Early Earth: The <sup>142-143</sup>Nd and 176Hf Isotopic Perspective
Bennett V, Brandon A, Hiess J & Nutman A
(2006) Akilia - earliest life and its abode?
Nutman A, Friend C & Bennett V
(2006) Variable styles of crust evolution recorded in oldest (3.7-3.85 Ga) rock and (>4.0 Ga) mineral suites?
Bennett V, Nutman A, Jenner F & Friend C
(2006) Ti zircon thermometry applied to metamorphic and igneous systems.
Hiess J, Nutman A, Bennett V & Holden P
(2006) 3.8 Ga arc related basalts from Southwest Greenland
Jenner F, Bennett V & Nutman A
(2005) Early Terrestrial Mantle Dynamics from the <+>143<$>Nd Isotopic Record of 3600<!s><$>Ma to <>>3850<!s><$>Ma Mafic and Felsic Rocks
Bennett V & Nutman A
(2004) 3850 Ma Felsic Crust in the Itsaq Gneiss Complex, West Greenland: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Bennett V, Nutman A, Friend C & Norman M
(2004) Sr – Nd Isotope and Trace Element Geochemistry of Precambrian Zircon: A Potential New Source of Information on Early Earth Mantle Evolution
Weaver K, Depaolo D, Bennett V & Nutman A
(2003) Direct Constraints on Redox Conditions in the Early Archean (>3.85 Ga) Mantle from Peridotites
Bennett V, Nutman A, Norman M & Friend C
(2002) Geochemical Investigations of the Oldest (>3800 Ma) Abyssal Peridotites: Implications for Early Earth Processes
Bennett V, Nutman A, Friend C & Norman M