All abstracts by Anna Neubeck in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2023) Geochemical Characteristics of Upper Cambrian Black Shale from Southern Sweden – Regional PerspectiveLadenberger A, Morris G, Blomskog L & Neubeck A
(2022) Experimental Fossilisation of Two Strains of Methanogen, Methanoculleus Bourgensis MAB-2 and Methanobacterium Oryzae in Silicates, Carbonates, and Phosphates
Huld S, McMahon S, Willman S & Neubeck A
(2020) Preservation of Complex Microbial Communities in Serpentine-Hosted Fracture Networks
Zaloumis J, Neubeck A, Ivarsson M & Kelemen P
(2017) Archaeal Methanogenesis at the Onshore Serpentinite-Hosted Chimaera Seeps, Turkey
Zwicker J, Birgel D, Bach W, Richoz S, Gier S, Smrzka D, Neubeck A, Ivarsson M, Schleper C, Rittmann S, Grasemann B, Koşun E & Peckmann J
(2017) High Resolution in situ Measurements Using Space Instrumentation Proves Ni Isotopes as Reliable Biosignature in Fossilized Microorganisms
Neubeck A, Tulej M, Wiessendanger R, Neuland M, Meyer S, Riedo V, Moreno-Garcia P, Ivarsson M, Bach W & Wurz P
(2016) A Survey of Methane DCH2D2 vs. D13CH3D in Nature and in the Laboratory
Young E, Kohl I, Sherwood Lollar B, Etiope G, Rumble D, Li S, Haghnegahdar M, Schuable E, McCain K, Foustoukos D, Suycliffe C, Warr O, Ballentine C, Hosgormez H & Neubeck A
(2016) Methanogenic Growth at Extremely Low H2 if Ni is Available
Neubeck A & Schnürer A
(2015) Methanogenesis with Dunite as the Only Source of H2 and Ni
Neubeck A & Schnürer A
(2014) On the Use of Zn2+ to Trace the Reaction Progress of Forsterite Hydration
Hellevang H & Neubeck A
(2014) Hydrogen Production Through Olivine Alteration
Neubeck A, Nguyen Thanh D, Hellevang H, Oze C, Bastviken D, Bacsik Z & Holm N
(2013) Nickel and Methanogens
Neubeck A & Ivarsson M
(2009) Nitrogen Dynamics in Oceanic Basement and its Implications for HCN and Abiotic Organic Synthesis
Holm N & Neubeck A
(2007) Boron Influence on Biochemical Reactions in Natural Zeolites
Neubeck A, Ivarsson M & Holm N