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All abstracts by Takashi Murakami in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Iron Isotope Compositions of ~2.45 Ga Pronto Paleosol, Canada
Sreenivas B & Murakami T

(2017) High-O2 Atmosphere on Early Mars? Interpretation of Mn-Oxide on Gale Crater by Laboratory Experiments
Noda N, Imamura S, Sekine Y, Uesugi S, Kurisu M, Murakami T & Takahashi Y

(2014) Atmospheric Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Levels in the Precambrian Estimated from Water-Rock-Atmosphere Interactions
Murakami T & Kanzaki Y

(2013) Estimates of Atmospheric CO2 in the Neoarchean-Paleoproterozoic
Kanzaki Y & Murakami T

(2012) Effect of Fluid Flow Rate on Fe3+/Fe2+ Ratios of Paleoproterozoic Paleosols and its Implication for Atmospheric Oxygen Levels
Kanzaki Y & Murakami T

(2012) Kinetic Theory of Crystallization from Meta-Stable Phases
Tsukimura K, Suzuki M, Suzuki Y & Murakami T

(2011) Fe(II) Oxidation Under Very Low O2 Conditions: New Rate Law and its Implication
Kanzaki Y & Murakami T

(2011) Change in Lead Sorption during Transformation of Monohydrocalcite to Aragonite
Munemoto T & Murakami T

(2010) Weathering Under Low O2 Conditions: Interpretation of Paleoproterozoic Paleosols
Murakami T & Sreenivas B

(2010) Behavior of Colloidal Ferrihydrite as Radionuclide Carrier in the Lake Karachai Area
Tsukimura K, Suzuki M, Suzuki Y & Murakami T

(2009) O2 Evolution in the Paleoproterozoic: Experimental Simulation of the Relationships between Fe in Paleosols and PO2
Sugimori H & Murakami T

(2009) Fe Isotope Compositions of 1.85 Ga Flin Flon Paleosol, Canada
Sreenivas B, Murakami T, Bhaskar Rao YJ & Vijaya Gopal B

(2008) Atmospheric Oxygen Rise in the Paleoproterozoic Revealed by Weathering Model
Murakami T & Yokota K

(2007) Gradual Rise of Atmospheric Oxygen between 2.5 and 2.0 Ga Revealed by Fe Oxidation Kinetics
Murakami T, Sreenivas B, Das Sharma S & Sugimori H

(2005) Field and Laboratory Evidence of Formation of Uranyl Phosphates within Leached Layers of Dissolving Apatite in Undersaturated Solutions
Murakami T & Ohnuki T

(2004) Behavior of Light REE in Precambrian Paleosols: Implication for Atmospheric Oxygen Evolution
Murakami T, Sato M, Utsunomiya S, Kasama T & Sreenivas B

(2004) Fe, Mn Mobility in Precambrian Paleosols: Implications on Atmospheric Oxygen Evolution
Sreenivas B, Das Sharma S & Murakami T

(2004) Ion Concentration Profile Near Rock Pore Wall as Revealed by Centrifugation
Yokoyama T, Murakami T & Nakashima S

(2003) Mineral Dissolution Apparatus Under Anoxic Conditions and Dissolution Kinetics of Biotites
Sugimori H, Yokoyama T & Murakami T

(2003) Biotite Dissolution Processes and Mechanisms: Early Stage Weathering Environment
Murakami T, Utsunomiya S, Yokoyama T & Kasama T

(2002) Reconstruction of 2.5 Ga Weathering of Pronto Granite
Murakami T

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