All abstracts by Elisabeth Moyer in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2018) In situ Measurements of Vapor-Phase HDO/H2O Isotopic Ratio in the Asian Summer MonsoonClouser B, Singer C, Gaeta D, Sarkozy L, StratoClim T & Moyer E
(2018) The Chicago Water Isotope Spectrometer (ChiWIS)
Singer C, Clouser B, Sarkozy L, Gaeta D & Moyer E
(2013) Applications of Absorption Spectroscopy for Water Isotopic Measurements in Cold Clouds
Moyer E, Sarkozy L, Lamb K, Clouser B, Stutz E, Kuhnreich B, Landsberg J, Habig J, Hiranuma N, Wagner S, Ebert V, Kerstel E, Moehler O & Saathoff H
(2013) Water H218O Isotope Studies in the AIDA Cloud Simulation Chamber
Kühnreich B, Landsberg J, Habig J, Wagner S, Moyer EJ, Saathoff H, Ebert V & Kerstel E
(2013) Robust Calibration Systems Based on Syringe Pumps for Water Vapor Isotopologue Measurements
Stutz E, Landsberg J, Sarkozy L, Moyer E & Kerstel E
(2013) Direct Measurements of Isotopic Fractionation Factors of Water Vapor over Ice for Temperatures Below 235 K
Lamb K, Clouser B, Sarkozy L, Stutz E, Kühnreich B, Landsberg J, Habig J, Hiranuma N, Wagner S, Ebert V, Kerstel E, Möhler O, Saathoff H & Moyer E
(2013) Isotopic Composition of Water Vapour in Strong Convective Updrafts
Bolot M, Moyer E & Legras B
(2009) Optical Spectroscopic Techniques for in situ Measurements of Isotopic Composition of Trace Atmospheric Gases
Moyer EJ, Morong C, Sayres DS, Hanisco TF & Witinski M