All abstracts by Raymond Michels in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2008) Re/Os Fractionation during Generation and Evolution of HydrocarbonsReisberg L, Michels R & Hautevelle Y
(2004) Micrometer Scale Delta 13C Variability in Macromolecular Organic Matter: A Criterion for a Non-Biological Source?
Sangely L, Michels R, Chaussidon M, Brouand M, Cuney M & Huault V
(2004) In situ Polymerisation of Labile Lipids as a Source for the Aliphatic Component of Recalcitrant Macromolecules in Sedimentary Materials
Gupta N, Briggs D, Collinson M, Evershed R, Michels R & Pancost R
(2000) Constraints on the Paleoenvironement Interpretation of Steranes from Ancient Sediments
Fleck S, Michels R, Faure P, Schlepp L, Elie M, Ashkan S & Landais P