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All abstracts by Walter Michaelis in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2009) New Insights from Bacterial Biomarkers into the Oxic/Anoxic Transition of the Holocene Black Sea
Blumenberg M, Seifert R & Michaelis W

(2007) Concentrations and Signatures of Stable Isotopes of Methane and Hydrogen in Hydrothermal Fluids of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Seifert R, Weber S, Warmuth M, Andrea K & Michaelis W

(2002) Hydrothermal Fluids in the North Fiji Basin and Lesser Antilles
Koschinsky A, Halbach P, Sander S, Michaelis W & Seifert R

(2002) Carbon and Hydrogen Isotope Fractionation of Organic Pollutants in Aquifers
Steinbach A & Michaelis W

(2002) Molecular Evidence for Microorganisms in Recent and Ancient Methane-Related Settings
Michaelis W, Richard S, Katja N, Tina T, Martin B & Katrin K

(2002) Volatile Halogenated Organic Compounds Distribution in a Coastal Salt Marsh in Northern Hermany
Christof O, Seifert R & Michaelis W

(2000) Methane Formation during the Degradation of N-Alkanes and Total Crude Oils
Richnow HH, Zengler K, Gehre M, Michaelis W & Widdel F

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