All abstracts by Mikhail Melgunov in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2020) Some Artifical Isotopes in Yenisei River Biogeocynosis: Contents, Speciation, Pollutant FlowKropacheva M, Melgunov M, Chuguevsky A, Mezina K & Makarova I
(2019) The Concentrations of Radioisotopes and Trace Elements in the Annual Cedar and Larch Needles in New Urengoy Region (Arctic Part of Western Siberia)
Mezina K, Belyanin D, Melgunov M, Vosel Y, Kropacheva M, Shcherbov B, Rubanov M & Zhurkova I
(2018) Artificial Isotopes Speciation in Biomass of Terrestrial Vascular Plants
Kropacheva M, Melgunov M & Makarova I
(2014) Mobility of Natural and Artificial Isotopes in the Floodplain Biogeocoenose (Near Impact Zone of KMCC)
Kropacheva M, Melgunov M & Makarova I
(2009) Modern Thermofilic Cyanobacterial Mats: Geochemical Features
Lazareva E, Bryanskaya A, Zhmodik S, Pestunova O, Ponomarchuk V, Semionova D, Barkhutova D & Melgunov M
(2000) Radionuclide 137Cs in the Lake Deposits of the Altai Region
Bobrov V, Strakhovenko V, Shcherbov B, Gavshin V, Malikova I, Sukhorukov F, Kovalev S, Stepin A & Melgunov M