All abstracts by Sabine Méhay in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2018) Optimizing Gas Stable Isotope Measurements in GeochemistryLuu N, Mehay S, Jacksier T, Turich C, Socki R & Stankiewicz A
(2011) Microbial Utilization of the Products of Serpentinization at the Lost City Hydrothermal Field
Lang S, Fruh-Green G, Bernasconi S, Butterfield D, Lilley M, Proskurowski G & Mehay S
(2010) Archaeal Communities of the Lost City Hydrothermal Field
Mehay S, Früh-Green G, Bernasconi S, Schaeffer P, Adam P & Brazelton W
(2010) Present-Day Serpentinization and Microbial Activity in Peridotites Hosting High-Ph Spring Waters, Gruppo di Voltri (Italy)
Schwarzenbach E, Früh-Green G, Bernasconi S, Méhay S & Lilley M
(2009) CO2 Pulses and Carbonate and Biotic Crises in the Mesozoic
Bernasconi S, Črne A, Méhay S, Keller C, Hochuli P, Erba E & Weissert H
(2009) Cretaceous Carbon Cycle and Climate: The Negative Carbon Isotope Spike at the Onset of OAE1a in the Early Aptian
Keller CE, Méhay S, Bottini C, Giorgioni M, Garcia TI, Bernasconi SM, Hochuli PA, Erba E & Weissert H
(2009) S-Cycling and Sulfurization Processes at the Lost City Hydrothermal Field
Méhay S, Früh-Green G & Bernasconi S