All abstracts by Michael McCurry in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2013) O and Hf Isotopic Evidence in Zircons for Crustal Recycling in Caldera Complexes and Rifts, Picabo Volcanic Field, Yellowstone Hotspot TrackDrew D, Bindeman I, Watts K, Schmitt AK, Fu B & McCurry M
(2012) Geochemical Evidence for Complex Preeruption Configuration of a Silicic Magma Chamber Associated with Los Humeros Caldera, Mexico
Carrasco G, Branney M, McCurry M & Norry M
(2012) Non-Traditional Isotope Variations at Cedar Butte Volcano; Insight into Magmatic Differentiation
Zambardi T, Li X-X, Lundstrom CC, Holmden C & McCurry M
(2010) Isotopic Signatures in Cedar Butte Lavas: An Indication of Thermal Diffusion?
Li X, Lundstrom C, Zhang Z, McCurry M & Holmden C
(2005) Genesis of Quaternary high-K, ŒA-Type‚ Rhyolites along Part of the Yellowstone-Snake River Plain Hot Spot Track
McCurry M & Ganske R