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All abstracts by David P Mattey in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2014) Speleothem Archives of Gibraltar Caves: Their Record of Environment and Regional Climate over Multiple Ice Age Cycles
Mattey D, Ainsworth M, Atkinson T, Durell R, Grassineau N, Hoffmann D, Latin J-P & Lowry D

(2013) Seasonal Distinction of Hydrological Variability in Speleothem Calcite
Wynn PM, Fairchild IJ, Spotl C, Hartland A, Mattey D, Cotte M & Fayard B

(2012) Osmium and Oxygen Isotopes in Etendeka Picrites and their Olivines: Mantle Melts and Crustal Interaction
Dale CW, Thompson RN, Pearson DG, Riches AJV & Mattey DP

(2010) A High Resolution, Precisely Dated Speleothem Record of the Younger Dryas and Holocene from La Garma Cave, Northern Spain
Baldini L, McDermott F, Arias Cabal P, Baldini J, Mattey D, Hoffman D & Müller W

(2009) Seasonal Microclimate Control on Calcite Fabrics, Stable Isotopes and Trace Elements in Modern Speleothem from St. Michaels Cave, Gibraltar
Mattey D, Fairchild I & Atkinson T

(2008) 14C Variability in Two Late Holocene Stalagmites and the Implications for Climate Forcing Mechanisms
McDermott F, Jackson A, Mangini A, Mattey D & Frisia S

(2004) Investigating the Causes of 14C Variation in Speleothems Using Highresolution Stable-Isotope and Trace-Element Data
Hoffmann D, Richards D, Smart P, Beck J, Mattey D, Paterson B & Hawkesworth C

(2002) Continuum of Peak Metamorphism in Anatectic Terrains
Baker J, Matthews A & Mattey DP

(2002) Testing Concordance of Oxygen Isotope Palaeotemperatures Obtained from Associated Rodent Tooth Phosphate and Freshwater Carbonate: An Eocene Example from the Hampshire Basin
Mattey D, Grimes S, Hooker J & Collinson M

(2000) Evidence for an Abrupt, High-Amplitude Climate Fluctuation c. 8, 300 Years ago in a New Laser Ablation *18O Record for a Holocene Speleothem from S.W. Ireland
McDermott F, Mattey D & Hakesworth C

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