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All abstracts by Maria Mastalerz in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Combining Organic Petrography with Molecular and Isotope Geochemistry to Decode Sources of Amorphous Organic Matter in Eocene Lacustrine Shales from the Saline Qianjiang Formation
Yuan H, Mastalerz M, Sauer PE, Liu B & Brassell SC

(2024) Co-variation of U and Mo in Pennsylvanian and Devonian Black Shales in the Illinois Basin
Liu B & Mastalerz M

(2022) Absence of Memory Effects in Shale Maturation Experiments with ‘Heavy Water’ 2H2O
Doiron KE, Schimmelmann A, Mastalerz M, Sauer PE & Brassell SC

(2019) Influence of Water Hydrogen on Hydrogen Stable Isotope Ratio of Methane at Low Versus High Temperatures of Methanogenesis
Wei L, Mastalerz M, Schimmelmann A, Gao L & Sauer P

(2019) The Role of Geocatalysis in Abiogenic Methanogenesis: Evidence from Biomarker Transformations in a Maturity Transect of the Devonian New Albany Shale
Doiron K, Brassell S, Schimmelmann A, Drobniak A & Mastalerz M

(2017) Observing Biodegradation of Complex Organic Substrates by Site-Specific Isotopic Analyses
Lloyd M, Trembath-Reichert E, Feakins S, Schimmelmann A, Mastalerz M, Sessions A & Eiler J

(2014) Thermal Evolution of Porosity in Organic-Rich Shales: The Influence of Soxhlet-Extractable Bitumen/Oil
Wei L, Mastalerz M & Schimmelmann A

(2011) Chemical Compound Classes Supporting Microbial Methanogenesis in Coal
Furmann A, Picardal F, Schimmelmann A, Brassell S & Mastalerz M

(2010) Microbial Gas in the Illinois Basin: Pennsylvanian Coals Versus Devonian/Mississippian Shales
Mastalerz M, Schimmelmann A & Strapoc D

(2010) Pore Size Specific Characterization of the Adsorption of CO2 and Methane in Coal Using SANS
Melnichenko Y, He L & Mastalerz M

(2010) Influence of CO2 on New Albany Shale Composition and Pore Structure
Lahan RW, Mastalerz M & Rupp JA

(2010) Influence of Water on D/H Ratios of N-Alkanes from Hydrous Pyrolysis of Source Rocks with Kerogen Types I, II, IIS and III
Gao L, Schimmelmann A, Sessions A, Wang Y & Mastalerz M

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