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All abstracts by Anatoly Mashukov in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2015) Crystallographic Ordering of the Particles in Sedimentary Rocks
Mashukov A, Mashukova A & Ponomareva S

(2015) The Role of the Elemental Composition on the Phase Formation in Ores of the Norilsk Type
Mashukova A, Mashukov A & Bistryakova S

(2014) Structure Properties of Norilsk Ore Type with Content of Cubanite
Mashukov A, Mashukova A & Bistryakova S

(2013) The Influence of the Elemental Composition on the Cubanite Mineralization
Mashukov A, Mikheev V & Mashukova A

(2011) Magnetic Anisotropy of Artificial Deposits
Mashukov A, Mashukova A & Siminchuk S

(2010) Isothermal Transition of Pyrrhotines into Goethite in the Atmosphere of the Earth
Mashukov A, Onufrienok V & Mashukova A

(2009) The Model of the Conversion Pyrrhotine – Czomolnokite
Mashukov A, Onufrienok V & Mashukov A

(2008) The Influence of the Cation Vacancies on the Minerals Formation Processes
Mashukov A, Onufrienok V & Mashukova A

(2007) The Model of the Four-Sub-Grate Ferrimagnetic
Mashukov A, Onufrienock V & Mashukova A

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