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All abstracts by Zita Martins in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2023) Spectroscopy of Arctic Ice Samples as Planetary Field Analogues for Astrobiology
Xavier F, Dias R, Cesário R, Gonçalves D, Pedras B, Canário J & Martins Z

(2021) Exogenous Delivery of Organic Matter to the Early Earth by Primitive Carbonaceous Meteorites and Implications for the Origin of Life
Martins Z

(2019) Influence of Mineralogy on the Preservation of Biosignatures Under Simulated Mars Conditions
Martins Z, Patel M & Cuadros J

(2017) Effect of Obliquity, Atmospheric Dust and UV-Organic Interaction on the Survivability of Organics on Mars
Laurent B, Cousins C, Martins Z & Pereira M

(2014) Studying the Physical Processes Promoting Aqueous Alteration of Carbonaceous Chondrites
Moyano-Cambero CE, Trigo-Rodríguez JM & Martins Z

(2014) Shock-Synthesis of Amino Acids via the Impact of Comets
Martins Z & Price MC

(2011) The Formation of Organic Molecules in Solar System Environments: The Miller-Urey Experiment in Space Preflight Overview
Kotler JM, Ehrenfreund P, Martins Z, Ricco AJ, Blum J, Schraepler R, van Dongen J, Palmans A, Sephton MA & Cleaves HJ

(2009) Primitive Lithium Isotope Signatures in CR Carbonaceous Chondrites?
Fehr M, James R, Sephton M, Martins Z & Bland P

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