All abstracts by Amer Marie in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2009) 226Ra/222Rn in Groundwater of the Mountain Aquifer and Ein-Fashcha Spring: West BankDieck R, Marie A, Vengosh A & Hassan J
(2009) The Origin of Fossil Groundwater from the Nubian Sandstone Aquifers in the Middle East: A Multi-Isotope (Ra, B, Sr, S, O, H) Investigation
Vengosh A, Dwyer G, Rimawi O, Al-Zoubi A, Marie A & Ganor J
(2001) Mexican Gem Opals: Nano- and Micro-Structure, Raman Spectra, Origin of Color, and Comparison with Other Common Opals of Gemological Significance
Fritsch E, Ostrooumov M, Rondeau B, Barreau A, Albertini D, Marie A-M, Lasnier B & Wery J