All abstracts by Fabio Mantovani in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2022) Investigating Earth's Mantle with GeoneutrinosSerafini A, Bellini G, Inoue K, Mantovani F, Strati V & Watanabe H
(2013) Mapping the Natural Radioactivity of Elba Island by Means of Geostatistical Interpolation of Airborne Gamma-Ray Data
Guastaldi E, Baldoncini M, Bezzon G, Broggini C, Buso GP, Caciolli A, Callegari I, Colonna T, Fiorentini G, Kaçeli Xhixha M, Mantovani F, Massa G, Menegazzo R, Mou L, Rossi Alvarez C, Strati V & Xhixha G
(2013) Automated Gamma-Ray Spectrometer for Monitoring Wastes Made by Non-Nuclear Industries
Xhixha G, Bezzon G, Broggini C, Buso G, Caciolli A, Callegari I, Colonna T, Fiorentini G, Guastaldi E, Kaçeli Xhixha M, Mantovani F, Massa G, Menegazzo R, Mou L, Rossi Alvarez C & Strati V
(2013) A Reference Earth Model for the Heat Producing Elements and Associated Geoneutrino Flux
Huang Y, Chubakov V, Mantovani F, Rudnick R & McDonough W
(2013) Radiogenic Heat Production of the Sardinian Variscan Crust
Puccini A, Xhixha G, Cuccuru S, Oggiano G, Kaceli Xhixha M, Mantovani F, Rossi Alvarez C & Casini L
(2011) An Integrated Approach to Estimate the U and Th Content of the Central Apennines Continental Crust (Italy)
Coltorti M, Boraso R, Mantovani F, Morsilli M, Fiorentini G & Rusciadelli G
(2004) Geo-Neutrinos in Monitoring Geochemical and Geodynamic Models of Mantle Circulation
Fiorentini G, Lissia M, Mantovani F & Vannucci R