All abstracts by Kerry T.B. MacQuarrie in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2022) Reactive Transport Investigations of the Long-Term Geochemical Evolution of a Multibarrier System and Impacts on Radionuclide MigrationXie M, Su D, Mayer KU & MacQuarrie KTB
(2010) Hydromechanical and Geochemical Coupling within an Intercratonic Sedimentary Basin Affected by Glaciation/Deglaciation Events
Bea SA, Mayer KU & MacQuarrie KTB
(2005) Mercury Loss from Stream Water by Evasion and Sedimentation
Al T, MacQuarrie K, Fox D & Maprani A
(2005) Mercury Mobilization to the Aquatic Environment from Cyanide-Rich Gold Mine Tailings
Shaw S, Al T & MacQuarrie K